/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 7.00.0555 */ /* Compiler settings for windowssideshowclassextension.idl: Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), target_arch=X86 7.00.0555 protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ /* @@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) */ #pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */ /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 500 #endif /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCSAL_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCSAL_H_VERSION__ 100 #endif #include "rpc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #error this stub requires an updated version of #endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #ifndef COM_NO_WINDOWS_H #include "windows.h" #include "ole2.h" #endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/ #ifndef __windowssideshowclassextension_h__ #define __windowssideshowclassextension_h__ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #pragma once #endif /* Forward Declarations */ #ifndef __ISideShowDriver_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISideShowDriver_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISideShowDriver ISideShowDriver; #endif /* __ISideShowDriver_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISideShowClassExtension_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISideShowClassExtension_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISideShowClassExtension ISideShowClassExtension; #endif /* __ISideShowClassExtension_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISideShowClassExtension2_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __ISideShowClassExtension2_FWD_DEFINED__ typedef interface ISideShowClassExtension2 ISideShowClassExtension2; #endif /* __ISideShowClassExtension2_FWD_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __SideShowClassExtension_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __SideShowClassExtension_FWD_DEFINED__ #ifdef __cplusplus typedef class SideShowClassExtension SideShowClassExtension; #else typedef struct SideShowClassExtension SideShowClassExtension; #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __SideShowClassExtension_FWD_DEFINED__ */ /* header files for imported files */ #include "propidl.h" #include "wudfddi.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif /* interface __MIDL_itf_windowssideshowclassextension_0000_0000 */ /* [local] */ #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600) // Windows Vista and later typedef struct _SIDESHOW_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION { LONG Bias; WCHAR StandardName[ 32 ]; SYSTEMTIME StandardDate; LONG StandardBias; WCHAR DaylightName[ 32 ]; SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate; LONG DaylightBias; } SIDESHOW_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION; typedef enum tagUSER_STATE { AVAILABLE = 0, UNAVAILABLE = 1 } USER_STATE; typedef GUID APPLICATION_ID; typedef GUID ENDPOINT_ID; typedef LPWSTR DEVICE_ID; typedef REFGUID REFAPPLICATION_ID; typedef REFGUID REFENDPOINT_ID; typedef ENDPOINT_ID *PENDPOINT_ID; typedef APPLICATION_ID *PAPPLICATION_ID; typedef DEVICE_ID *PDEVICE_ID; typedef unsigned long CONTENT_ID; typedef CONTENT_ID *PCONTENT_ID; typedef unsigned long NOTIFICATION_ID; typedef NOTIFICATION_ID *PNOTIFICATION_ID; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_windowssideshowclassextension_0000_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_windowssideshowclassextension_0000_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec; #ifndef __ISideShowDriver_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISideShowDriver_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISideShowDriver */ /* [unique][helpstring][uuid][object] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISideShowDriver; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("2082260d-0e28-4c57-b5c2-67fa091daa91") ISideShowDriver : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetDeviceName( /* [string][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt_string LPWSTR *ppwszName) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetDeviceManufacturer( /* [string][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt_string LPWSTR *ppwszManufacturer) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetDeviceFirmwareVersion( /* [string][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt_string LPWSTR *ppwszVersion) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetTime( /* [in] */ const FILETIME FileTime) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetTimeZone( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SIDESHOW_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *pTimeZoneInformation) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetCurrentUser( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetCurrentUser( /* [out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt SID **ppUserSid) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetUserState( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ const USER_STATE state) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetShortDateFormat( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszDateFormat) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetLongDateFormat( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszDateFormat) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetShortTimeFormat( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszTimeFormat) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetLongTimeFormat( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszTimeFormat) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetLanguage( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in LPCWSTR pwszLanguage) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetDeviceEndpoints( /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcEndpoints) ENDPOINT_ID **rgEndpoints, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcEndpoints) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetDeviceCapabilities( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const PROPERTYKEY *pKey, /* [out] */ __RPC__out PROPVARIANT *pvValue) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetPreEnabledApplications( /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcApplications) APPLICATION_ID **ppApplicationIds, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcApplications) ENDPOINT_ID **ppEndpointIds, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcApplications) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetApplicationOrder( /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cApplicationIds) const APPLICATION_ID *pApplicationIds, /* [in] */ const DWORD cApplicationIds) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnGetApplicationOrder( /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcApplicationIds) APPLICATION_ID **ppApplicationIds, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcApplicationIds) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnAddApplication( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndPointId, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pcwszName, /* [in] */ const DWORD dwCachePolicy, /* [in] */ const DWORD dwOnlineOnly, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbLargeIcon) const unsigned char *pbLargeIcon, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbLargeIcon, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbMediumIcon) const unsigned char *pbMediumIcon, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbMediumIcon, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbSmallIcon) const unsigned char *pbSmallIcon, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbSmallIcon) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRemoveApplication( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRemoveAllApplications( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnAddContent( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndpointId, /* [in] */ const CONTENT_ID ContentId, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbData) const unsigned char *pData, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbData) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRemoveContent( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndpointId, /* [in] */ const CONTENT_ID ContentId) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRemoveAllContent( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndpointId) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnAddNotification( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ const NOTIFICATION_ID NotificationId, /* [in] */ const FILETIME ftExpiration, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pcwszTitle, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pcwszMessage, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbImage) const unsigned char *pbImage, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbImage) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRemoveNotification( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ const NOTIFICATION_ID NotificationId) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnRemoveAllNotifications( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnSetNotificationsEnabled( /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ const BOOL fIsEnabled) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnProcessWpdMessage( /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pPortableDeviceValuesParams, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pPortableDeviceValuesResults) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISideShowDriverVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetDeviceName )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [string][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt_string LPWSTR *ppwszName); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetDeviceManufacturer )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [string][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt_string LPWSTR *ppwszManufacturer); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetDeviceFirmwareVersion )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [string][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt_string LPWSTR *ppwszVersion); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetTime )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ const FILETIME FileTime); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetTimeZone )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SIDESHOW_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *pTimeZoneInformation); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetCurrentUser )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetCurrentUser )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt SID **ppUserSid); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetUserState )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ const USER_STATE state); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetShortDateFormat )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszDateFormat); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetLongDateFormat )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszDateFormat); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetShortTimeFormat )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszTimeFormat); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetLongTimeFormat )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pwszTimeFormat); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetLanguage )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in LPCWSTR pwszLanguage); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetDeviceEndpoints )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcEndpoints) ENDPOINT_ID **rgEndpoints, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcEndpoints); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetDeviceCapabilities )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const PROPERTYKEY *pKey, /* [out] */ __RPC__out PROPVARIANT *pvValue); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetPreEnabledApplications )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcApplications) APPLICATION_ID **ppApplicationIds, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcApplications) ENDPOINT_ID **ppEndpointIds, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcApplications); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetApplicationOrder )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cApplicationIds) const APPLICATION_ID *pApplicationIds, /* [in] */ const DWORD cApplicationIds); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnGetApplicationOrder )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [size_is][size_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(*pcApplicationIds) APPLICATION_ID **ppApplicationIds, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcApplicationIds); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnAddApplication )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndPointId, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pcwszName, /* [in] */ const DWORD dwCachePolicy, /* [in] */ const DWORD dwOnlineOnly, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbLargeIcon) const unsigned char *pbLargeIcon, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbLargeIcon, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbMediumIcon) const unsigned char *pbMediumIcon, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbMediumIcon, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbSmallIcon) const unsigned char *pbSmallIcon, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbSmallIcon); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnRemoveApplication )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnRemoveAllApplications )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnAddContent )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndpointId, /* [in] */ const CONTENT_ID ContentId, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbData) const unsigned char *pData, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbData); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnRemoveContent )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndpointId, /* [in] */ const CONTENT_ID ContentId); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnRemoveAllContent )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFENDPOINT_ID EndpointId); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnAddNotification )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ const NOTIFICATION_ID NotificationId, /* [in] */ const FILETIME ftExpiration, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pcwszTitle, /* [string][in] */ __RPC__in_string LPCWSTR pcwszMessage, /* [size_is][in] */ __RPC__in_ecount_full(cbImage) const unsigned char *pbImage, /* [in] */ const DWORD cbImage); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnRemoveNotification )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId, /* [in] */ const NOTIFICATION_ID NotificationId); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnRemoveAllNotifications )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFAPPLICATION_ID ApplicationId); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnSetNotificationsEnabled )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in const SID *pUserSid, /* [in] */ const BOOL fIsEnabled); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnProcessWpdMessage )( __RPC__in ISideShowDriver * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pPortableDeviceValuesParams, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pPortableDeviceValuesResults); END_INTERFACE } ISideShowDriverVtbl; interface ISideShowDriver { CONST_VTBL struct ISideShowDriverVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISideShowDriver_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISideShowDriver_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISideShowDriver_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetDeviceName(This,ppwszName) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetDeviceName(This,ppwszName) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetDeviceManufacturer(This,ppwszManufacturer) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetDeviceManufacturer(This,ppwszManufacturer) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetDeviceFirmwareVersion(This,ppwszVersion) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetDeviceFirmwareVersion(This,ppwszVersion) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetTime(This,FileTime) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetTime(This,FileTime) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetTimeZone(This,pTimeZoneInformation) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetTimeZone(This,pTimeZoneInformation) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetCurrentUser(This,pUserSid) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetCurrentUser(This,pUserSid) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetCurrentUser(This,ppUserSid) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetCurrentUser(This,ppUserSid) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetUserState(This,pUserSid,state) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetUserState(This,pUserSid,state) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetShortDateFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszDateFormat) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetShortDateFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszDateFormat) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetLongDateFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszDateFormat) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetLongDateFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszDateFormat) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetShortTimeFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszTimeFormat) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetShortTimeFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszTimeFormat) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetLongTimeFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszTimeFormat) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetLongTimeFormat(This,pUserSid,pwszTimeFormat) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetLanguage(This,pUserSid,pwszLanguage) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetLanguage(This,pUserSid,pwszLanguage) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetDeviceEndpoints(This,rgEndpoints,pcEndpoints) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetDeviceEndpoints(This,rgEndpoints,pcEndpoints) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetDeviceCapabilities(This,pKey,pvValue) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetDeviceCapabilities(This,pKey,pvValue) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetPreEnabledApplications(This,ppApplicationIds,ppEndpointIds,pcApplications) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetPreEnabledApplications(This,ppApplicationIds,ppEndpointIds,pcApplications) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetApplicationOrder(This,pApplicationIds,cApplicationIds) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetApplicationOrder(This,pApplicationIds,cApplicationIds) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnGetApplicationOrder(This,ppApplicationIds,pcApplicationIds) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnGetApplicationOrder(This,ppApplicationIds,pcApplicationIds) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnAddApplication(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndPointId,pcwszName,dwCachePolicy,dwOnlineOnly,pbLargeIcon,cbLargeIcon,pbMediumIcon,cbMediumIcon,pbSmallIcon,cbSmallIcon) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnAddApplication(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndPointId,pcwszName,dwCachePolicy,dwOnlineOnly,pbLargeIcon,cbLargeIcon,pbMediumIcon,cbMediumIcon,pbSmallIcon,cbSmallIcon) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnRemoveApplication(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnRemoveApplication(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnRemoveAllApplications(This,pUserSid) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnRemoveAllApplications(This,pUserSid) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnAddContent(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndpointId,ContentId,pData,cbData) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnAddContent(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndpointId,ContentId,pData,cbData) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnRemoveContent(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndpointId,ContentId) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnRemoveContent(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndpointId,ContentId) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnRemoveAllContent(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndpointId) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnRemoveAllContent(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,EndpointId) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnAddNotification(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,NotificationId,ftExpiration,pcwszTitle,pcwszMessage,pbImage,cbImage) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnAddNotification(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,NotificationId,ftExpiration,pcwszTitle,pcwszMessage,pbImage,cbImage) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnRemoveNotification(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,NotificationId) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnRemoveNotification(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId,NotificationId) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnRemoveAllNotifications(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnRemoveAllNotifications(This,pUserSid,ApplicationId) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnSetNotificationsEnabled(This,pUserSid,fIsEnabled) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnSetNotificationsEnabled(This,pUserSid,fIsEnabled) ) #define ISideShowDriver_OnProcessWpdMessage(This,pPortableDeviceValuesParams,pPortableDeviceValuesResults) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnProcessWpdMessage(This,pPortableDeviceValuesParams,pPortableDeviceValuesResults) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISideShowDriver_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISideShowClassExtension_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISideShowClassExtension_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISideShowClassExtension */ /* [unique][helpstring][uuid][object] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISideShowClassExtension; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("27E78451-41C1-47fd-A50D-4D3E97D35B30") ISideShowClassExtension : public IUnknown { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize( /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pSideShowDriverUnknown) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Uninitialize( /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE OnProcessIoControl( /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFIoQueue *pWdfQueue, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFIoRequest *pWdfRequest, /* [in] */ ULONG ControlCode, /* [in] */ SIZE_T InputBufferSizeInBytes, /* [in] */ SIZE_T OutputBufferSizeInBytes, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcbWritten) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISideShowClassExtensionVtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Initialize )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pSideShowDriverUnknown); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Uninitialize )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnProcessIoControl )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFIoQueue *pWdfQueue, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFIoRequest *pWdfRequest, /* [in] */ ULONG ControlCode, /* [in] */ SIZE_T InputBufferSizeInBytes, /* [in] */ SIZE_T OutputBufferSizeInBytes, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcbWritten); END_INTERFACE } ISideShowClassExtensionVtbl; interface ISideShowClassExtension { CONST_VTBL struct ISideShowClassExtensionVtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISideShowClassExtension_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension_Initialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown,pSideShowDriverUnknown) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Initialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown,pSideShowDriverUnknown) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension_Uninitialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Uninitialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension_OnProcessIoControl(This,pWdfQueue,pWdfRequest,ControlCode,InputBufferSizeInBytes,OutputBufferSizeInBytes,pcbWritten) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnProcessIoControl(This,pWdfQueue,pWdfRequest,ControlCode,InputBufferSizeInBytes,OutputBufferSizeInBytes,pcbWritten) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISideShowClassExtension_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __ISideShowClassExtension2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ISideShowClassExtension2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ISideShowClassExtension2 */ /* [unique][helpstring][uuid][object] */ EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISideShowClassExtension2; #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE) MIDL_INTERFACE("1A6C8124-03E3-4A9A-AFD3-CEDD39E426B5") ISideShowClassExtension2 : public ISideShowClassExtension { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InitializeAsync( /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pSideShowDriverUnknown) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE PostEvent( /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFGUID in_EventGuid, /* [full][in] */ __RPC__in_opt SID *const in_pSid, /* [full][in] */ __RPC__in_opt BYTE *const in_pbEventData, /* [in] */ const DWORD in_cbEventData) = 0; virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CleanupFile( /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFFile *pWdfFile) = 0; }; #else /* C style interface */ typedef struct ISideShowClassExtension2Vtbl { BEGIN_INTERFACE HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFIID riid, /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ __RPC__deref_out void **ppvObject); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This); ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Initialize )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pSideShowDriverUnknown); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Uninitialize )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *OnProcessIoControl )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFIoQueue *pWdfQueue, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFIoRequest *pWdfRequest, /* [in] */ ULONG ControlCode, /* [in] */ SIZE_T InputBufferSizeInBytes, /* [in] */ SIZE_T OutputBufferSizeInBytes, /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pcbWritten); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *InitializeAsync )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pWdfDeviceUnknown, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IUnknown *pSideShowDriverUnknown); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *PostEvent )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFGUID in_EventGuid, /* [full][in] */ __RPC__in_opt SID *const in_pSid, /* [full][in] */ __RPC__in_opt BYTE *const in_pbEventData, /* [in] */ const DWORD in_cbEventData); HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *CleanupFile )( __RPC__in ISideShowClassExtension2 * This, /* [in] */ __RPC__in_opt IWDFFile *pWdfFile); END_INTERFACE } ISideShowClassExtension2Vtbl; interface ISideShowClassExtension2 { CONST_VTBL struct ISideShowClassExtension2Vtbl *lpVtbl; }; #ifdef COBJMACROS #define ISideShowClassExtension2_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_AddRef(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_Release(This) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_Initialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown,pSideShowDriverUnknown) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Initialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown,pSideShowDriverUnknown) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_Uninitialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Uninitialize(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_OnProcessIoControl(This,pWdfQueue,pWdfRequest,ControlCode,InputBufferSizeInBytes,OutputBufferSizeInBytes,pcbWritten) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> OnProcessIoControl(This,pWdfQueue,pWdfRequest,ControlCode,InputBufferSizeInBytes,OutputBufferSizeInBytes,pcbWritten) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_InitializeAsync(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown,pSideShowDriverUnknown) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> InitializeAsync(This,pWdfDeviceUnknown,pSideShowDriverUnknown) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_PostEvent(This,in_EventGuid,in_pSid,in_pbEventData,in_cbEventData) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> PostEvent(This,in_EventGuid,in_pSid,in_pbEventData,in_cbEventData) ) #define ISideShowClassExtension2_CleanupFile(This,pWdfFile) \ ( (This)->lpVtbl -> CleanupFile(This,pWdfFile) ) #endif /* COBJMACROS */ #endif /* C style interface */ #endif /* __ISideShowClassExtension2_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ #ifndef __WindowsSideShowDriverLibrary_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ #define __WindowsSideShowDriverLibrary_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ /* library WindowsSideShowDriverLibrary */ /* [helpstring][version][uuid] */ EXTERN_C const IID LIBID_WindowsSideShowDriverLibrary; EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_SideShowClassExtension; #ifdef __cplusplus class DECLSPEC_UUID("76EFD608-E0CE-4887-98E2-F931363C4BC5") SideShowClassExtension; #endif #endif /* __WindowsSideShowDriverLibrary_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ */ /* interface __MIDL_itf_windowssideshowclassextension_0000_0003 */ /* [local] */ #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600) extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_windowssideshowclassextension_0000_0003_v0_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL_itf_windowssideshowclassextension_0000_0003_v0_0_s_ifspec; /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */ unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize( __RPC__in unsigned long *, unsigned long , __RPC__in BSTR * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__inout_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__in BSTR * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal(__RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__out BSTR * ); void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in BSTR * ); unsigned long __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize( __RPC__in unsigned long *, unsigned long , __RPC__in LPSAFEARRAY * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserMarshal( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__inout_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__in LPSAFEARRAY * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal(__RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__out LPSAFEARRAY * ); void __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in LPSAFEARRAY * ); unsigned long __RPC_USER BSTR_UserSize64( __RPC__in unsigned long *, unsigned long , __RPC__in BSTR * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserMarshal64( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__inout_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__in BSTR * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER BSTR_UserUnmarshal64(__RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__out BSTR * ); void __RPC_USER BSTR_UserFree64( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in BSTR * ); unsigned long __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserSize64( __RPC__in unsigned long *, unsigned long , __RPC__in LPSAFEARRAY * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserMarshal64( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__inout_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__in LPSAFEARRAY * ); unsigned char * __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserUnmarshal64(__RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in_xcount(0) unsigned char *, __RPC__out LPSAFEARRAY * ); void __RPC_USER LPSAFEARRAY_UserFree64( __RPC__in unsigned long *, __RPC__in LPSAFEARRAY * ); /* end of Additional Prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif