
354 lines
17 KiB

// **** LZW-AB **** //
// Adjusted Binary LZW Compressor/Decompressor //
// Copyright (c) 2016 David Bryant //
// All Rights Reserved //
// Distributed under the BSD Software License (see license.txt) //
//#define KERNEL_MODE
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* This library implements the LZW general-purpose data compression algorithm.
* The algorithm was originally described as a hardware implementation by
* Terry Welsh here:
* Welch, T.A. “A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression.”
* IEEE Computer 17,6 (June 1984), pp. 8-19.
* Since then there have been enumerable refinements and variations on the
* basic technique, and this implementation is no different. The target of
* the present implementation is embedded systems, and so emphasis was placed
* on simplicity, fast execution, and minimal RAM usage.
* The symbols are stored in adjusted binary, which provides considerably
* better compression performance with virtually no speed penalty compared to
* the fixed sizes normally used. To ensure good performance on data with
* varying characteristics (like executable images) the encoder resets as
* soon as the dictionary is full. Also, worst-case performance is limited
* to about 8% inflation by catching poor performance and forcing an early
* reset before longer symbols are sent.
* The maximum symbol size is configurable on the encode side (from 9 bits
* to 12 bits) and determines the RAM footprint required by both sides and,
* to a large extent, the compression performance. This information is
* communicated to the decoder in the first stream byte so that it can
* allocate accordingly. The RAM requirements are as follows:
* maximum encoder RAM decoder RAM
* symbol size requirement requirement
* -----------------------------------------
* 9-bit 1792 bytes 1024 bytes
* 10-bit 4352 bytes 3072 bytes
* 11-bit 9472 bytes 7168 bytes
* 12-bit 19712 bytes 15360 bytes
* This implementation uses malloc(), but obviously an embedded version could
* use static arrays instead if desired (assuming that the maxbits was
* controlled outside).
#define NULL_CODE -1 // indicates a NULL prefix
#define CLEAR_CODE 256 // code to flush dictionary and restart decoder
#define FIRST_STRING 257 // code of first dictionary string
/* This macro writes the adjusted-binary symbol "code" given the maximum
* symbol "maxcode". A macro is used here just to avoid the duplication in
* the lzw_compress() function. The idea is that if "maxcode" is not one
* less than a power of two (which it rarely will be) then this code can
* often send fewer bits that would be required with a fixed-sized code.
* For example, the first code we send will have a "maxcode" of 257, so
* every "code" would normally consume 9 bits. But with adjusted binary we
* can actually represent any code from 0 to 253 with just 8 bits -- only
* the 4 codes from 254 to 257 take 9 bits.
#define WRITE_CODE(code,maxcode) do { \
int code_bits = (maxcode) < 1024 ? \
((maxcode) < 512 ? 8 : 9) : \
((maxcode) < 2048 ? 10 : 11); \
int extras = (1 << (code_bits + 1)) - (maxcode) - 1; \
if ((code) < extras) { \
shifter |= ((long)(code) << bits); \
bits += code_bits; \
} \
else { \
shifter |= ((long)(((code) + extras) >> 1) << bits); \
bits += code_bits; \
shifter |= ((long)(((code) + extras) & 1) << bits++); \
} \
do { (*dst)(shifter); shifter >>= 8; output_bytes++; \
} while ((bits -= 8) >= 8); \
} while (0)
/* LZW compression function. Bytes (8-bit) are read and written through callbacks and the
* "maxbits" parameter specifies the maximum symbol size (9-12), which in turn determines
* the RAM requirement and, to a large extent, the level of compression achievable. A return
* value of EOF from the "src" callback terminates the compression process. A non-zero return
* value indicates one of the two possible errors -- bad "maxbits" param or failed malloc().
int lzw_compress (void (*dst)(int), int (*src)(void), int maxbits)
int next = FIRST_STRING, prefix = NULL_CODE, bits = 0, total_codes, c;
unsigned long input_bytes = 0, output_bytes = 0;
short *first_references, *next_references;
unsigned char *terminators;
unsigned long shifter = 0;
if (maxbits < 9 || maxbits > 12) // check for valid "maxbits" setting
return 1;
// based on the "maxbits" parameter, compute total codes and allocate dictionary storage
total_codes = 1 << maxbits;
first_references = ( short int * ) kmalloc (total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
next_references = ( short int * ) kmalloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
terminators = ( unsigned char * ) kmalloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
first_references = ( short int * ) malloc (total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
next_references = ( short int * ) malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
terminators = ( unsigned char * ) malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
if (!first_references || !next_references || !terminators)
return 1; // failed malloc()
// clear the dictionary
memset (first_references, 0, total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
memset (next_references, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
memset (terminators, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
(*dst)(maxbits - 9); // first byte in output stream indicates the maximum symbol bits
// This is the main loop where we read input bytes and compress them. We always keep track of the
// "prefix", which represents a pending byte (if < 256) or string entry (if >= FIRST_STRING) that
// has not been sent to the decoder yet. The output symbols are kept in the "shifter" and "bits"
// variables and are sent to the output every time 8 bits are available (done in the macro).
while ((c = (*src)()) != EOF) {
int cti; // coding table index
if (prefix == NULL_CODE) { // this only happens the very first byte when we don't yet have a prefix
prefix = c;
if ((cti = first_references [prefix])) { // if any longer strings are built on the current prefix...
while (1)
if (terminators [cti - 256] == c) { // we found a matching string, so we just update the prefix
prefix = cti; // to that string and continue without sending anything
else if (!next_references [cti - 256]) { // this string did not match the new character and
next_references [cti - 256] = next; // there aren't any more, so we'll add a new string
cti = 0; // and point to it with "next_reference"
cti = next_references [cti - 256]; // there are more possible matches to check, so loop back
else // no longer strings are based on the current prefix, so now
first_references [prefix] = next; // the current prefix plus the new byte will be the next string
// If "cti" is zero, we could not simply extend our "prefix" to a longer string because we did not find a
// dictionary match, so we send the symbol representing the current "prefix" and add the new string to the
// dictionary. Since the current byte "c" was not included in the prefix, that now becomes our new prefix.
if (!cti) {
WRITE_CODE (prefix, next); // send symbol for current prefix (0 to next-1)
terminators [next - 256] = c; // newly created string has current byte as the terminator
prefix = c; // current byte also becomes new prefix for next string
// This is where we bump the next string index and decide whether to clear the dictionary and start over.
// The triggers for that are either the dictionary is full or we've been outputting too many bytes and
// decide to cut our losses before the symbols get any larger. Note that for the dictionary full case we
// do NOT send the CLEAR_CODE because the decoder knows about this and we don't want to be redundant.
if (++next == total_codes || output_bytes > 8 + input_bytes + (input_bytes >> 4)) {
if (next < total_codes)
// clear the dictionary and reset the byte counters -- basically everything starts over
// except that we keep the last pending "prefix" (which, of course, was never sent)
memset (first_references, 0, total_codes * sizeof (first_references [0]));
memset (next_references, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (next_references [0]));
memset (terminators, 0, (total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
input_bytes = output_bytes = 0;
// we're done with input, so if we've received anything we still need to send that pesky pending prefix...
if (prefix != NULL_CODE) {
WRITE_CODE (prefix, next);
if (++next == total_codes) // watch for clearing to the first string to stay in step with the decoder!
next = FIRST_STRING; // (this was actually a corner-case bug that did not trigger often)
WRITE_CODE (next, next); // the maximum possible code is always reserved for our END_CODE
if (bits) // finally, flush any pending bits from the shifter
kfree (terminators); kfree (next_references); kfree (first_references);
free (terminators); free (next_references); free (first_references);
return 0;
/* LZW decompression function. Bytes (8-bit) are read and written through callbacks. The
* "maxbits" parameter is read as the first byte in the stream and controls how much memory
* is allocated for decoding. A return value of EOF from the "src" callback terminates the
* compression process (although this should not normally occur). A non-zero return value
* indicates an error, which in this case can be a bad "maxbits" read from the stream, a
* failed malloc(), or if an EOF is read from the input stream before the compression
* terminates naturally with END_CODE.
int lzw_decompress (void (*dst)(int), int (*src)(void))
int read_byte, next = FIRST_STRING, prefix = CLEAR_CODE, bits = 0, total_codes;
unsigned char *terminators, *reverse_buffer;
unsigned long shifter = 0;
short *prefixes;
if ((read_byte = ((*src)())) == EOF || (read_byte & 0xfc)) //sanitize first byte
return 1;
// based on the "maxbits" parameter, compute total codes and allocate dictionary storage
total_codes = 512 << (read_byte & 0x3);
reverse_buffer = ( unsigned char *) kmalloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (reverse_buffer [0]));
prefixes = ( short * ) kmalloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (prefixes [0]));
terminators = ( unsigned char * ) kmalloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
reverse_buffer = ( unsigned char *) malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (reverse_buffer [0]));
prefixes = ( short * ) malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (prefixes [0]));
terminators = ( unsigned char * ) malloc ((total_codes - 256) * sizeof (terminators [0]));
if (!reverse_buffer || !prefixes || !terminators) // check for mallco() failure
return 1;
// This is the main loop where we read input symbols. The values range from 0 to the code value
// of the "next" string in the dictionary (although the actual "next" code cannot be used yet,
// and so we reserve that code for the END_CODE). Note that receiving an EOF from the input
// stream is actually an error because we should have gotten the END_CODE first.
while (1) {
int code_bits = next < 1024 ? (next < 512 ? 8 : 9) : (next < 2048 ? 10 : 11), code;
int extras = (1 << (code_bits + 1)) - next - 1;
do {
if ((read_byte = ((*src)())) == EOF) {
kfree (terminators); kfree (prefixes); kfree (reverse_buffer);
free (terminators); free (prefixes); free (reverse_buffer);
return 1;
shifter |= (long) read_byte << bits;
} while ((bits += 8) < code_bits);
// first we assume the code will fit in the minimum number of required bits
code = (int) shifter & ((1 << code_bits) - 1);
shifter >>= code_bits;
bits -= code_bits;
// but if code >= extras, then we need to read another bit to calculate the real code
// (this is the "adjusted binary" part)
if (code >= extras) {
if (!bits) {
if ((read_byte = ((*src)())) == EOF) {
kfree (terminators); kfree (prefixes); kfree (reverse_buffer);
free (terminators); free (prefixes); free (reverse_buffer);
return 1;
shifter = (long) read_byte;
bits = 8;
code = (code << 1) - extras + (shifter & 1);
shifter >>= 1;
if (code == next) // sending the maximum code is reserved for the end of the file
else if (code == CLEAR_CODE) // otherwise check for a CLEAR_CODE to start over early
else if (prefix == CLEAR_CODE) { // this only happens at the first symbol which is always sent
(*dst)(code); // literally and becomes our initial prefix
// Otherwise we have a valid prefix so we step through the string from end to beginning storing the
// bytes in the "reverse_buffer", and then we send them out in the proper order. One corner-case
// we have to handle here is that the string might be the same one that is actually being defined
// now (code == next-1). Also, the first 256 entries of "terminators" and "prefixes" are fixed and
// not allocated, so that messes things up a bit.
else {
int cti = (code == next-1) ? prefix : code;
unsigned char *rbp = reverse_buffer, c;
do *rbp++ = cti < 256 ? cti : terminators [cti - 256]; // step backward through string...
while ((cti = (cti < 256) ? NULL_CODE : prefixes [cti - 256]) != NULL_CODE);
c = *--rbp; // the first byte in this string is the terminator for the last string, which is
// the one that we'll create a new dictionary entry for this time
do (*dst)(*rbp); // send string in corrected order (except for the terminator
while (rbp-- != reverse_buffer); // which we don't know yet)
if (code == next-1)
prefixes [next - 1 - 256] = prefix; // now update the next dictionary entry with the new string
terminators [next - 1 - 256] = c; // (but we're always one behind, so it's not the string just sent)
if (++next == total_codes) // check for full dictionary, which forces a reset (and, BTW,
next = FIRST_STRING; // means we'll never use the dictionary entry we just wrote)
prefix = code; // the code we just received becomes the prefix for the next dictionary string entry
// (which we'll create once we find out the terminator)
kfree (terminators); kfree (prefixes); kfree (reverse_buffer);
free (terminators); free (prefixes); free (reverse_buffer);
return 0;