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2021-11-20 06:24:33 +00:00
/* -*-C-*-
* File: seam.h (Formerly seam.h)
* Description:
* Author: Mark Seaman, SW Productivity
* Created: Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987
* Modified: Thu May 16 17:05:52 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
* Language: C
* Package: N/A
* Status: Reusable Software Component
* (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#ifndef SEAM_H
#define SEAM_H
// Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf.
#include "config_auto.h"
I n c l u d e s
#include "blobs.h"
#include "split.h"
T y p e s
typedef float PRIORITY; /* PRIORITY */
class SEAM {
// A seam with no splits
SEAM(float priority, const TPOINT& location)
: priority_(priority),
num_splits_(0) {}
// A seam with a single split point.
SEAM(float priority, const TPOINT& location, const SPLIT& split)
: priority_(priority),
num_splits_(1) {
splits_[0] = split;
// Default copy constructor, operator= and destructor are OK!
// Accessors.
float priority() const { return priority_; }
void set_priority(float priority) { priority_ = priority; }
bool HasAnySplits() const { return num_splits_ > 0; }
// Returns the bounding box of all the points in the seam.
TBOX bounding_box() const;
// Returns true if other can be combined into *this.
bool CombineableWith(const SEAM& other, int max_x_dist,
float max_total_priority) const;
// Combines other into *this. Only works if CombinableWith returned true.
void CombineWith(const SEAM& other);
// Returns true if the given blob contains all splits of *this SEAM.
bool ContainedByBlob(const TBLOB& blob) const {
for (int s = 0; s < num_splits_; ++s) {
if (!splits_[s].ContainedByBlob(blob)) return false;
return true;
// Returns true if the given EDGEPT is used by this SEAM, checking only
// the EDGEPT pointer, not the coordinates.
bool UsesPoint(const EDGEPT* point) const {
for (int s = 0; s < num_splits_; ++s) {
if (splits_[s].UsesPoint(point)) return true;
return false;
// Returns true if *this and other share any common point, by coordinates.
bool SharesPosition(const SEAM& other) const {
for (int s = 0; s < num_splits_; ++s) {
for (int t = 0; t < other.num_splits_; ++t)
if (splits_[s].SharesPosition(other.splits_[t])) return true;
return false;
// Returns true if *this and other have any vertically overlapping splits.
bool OverlappingSplits(const SEAM& other) const {
for (int s = 0; s < num_splits_; ++s) {
TBOX split1_box = splits_[s].bounding_box();
for (int t = 0; t < other.num_splits_; ++t) {
TBOX split2_box = other.splits_[t].bounding_box();
if (split1_box.y_overlap(split2_box)) return true;
return false;
// Marks the edgepts used by the seam so the segments made by the cut
// never get split further by another seam in the future.
void Finalize() {
for (int s = 0; s < num_splits_; ++s) {
// Returns true if the splits in *this SEAM appear OK in the sense that they
// do not cross any outlines and do not chop off any ridiculously small
// pieces.
bool IsHealthy(const TBLOB& blob, int min_points, int min_area) const;
// Computes the widthp_/widthn_ range for all existing SEAMs and for *this
// seam, which is about to be inserted at insert_index. Returns false if
// any of the computations fails, as this indicates an invalid chop.
// widthn_/widthp_ are only changed if modify is true.
bool PrepareToInsertSeam(const GenericVector<SEAM*>& seams,
const GenericVector<TBLOB*>& blobs, int insert_index,
bool modify);
// Computes the widthp_/widthn_ range. Returns false if not all the splits
// are accounted for. widthn_/widthp_ are only changed if modify is true.
bool FindBlobWidth(const GenericVector<TBLOB*>& blobs, int index,
bool modify);
// Splits this blob into two blobs by applying the splits included in
// *this SEAM
void ApplySeam(bool italic_blob, TBLOB* blob, TBLOB* other_blob) const;
// Undoes ApplySeam by removing the seam between these two blobs.
// Produces one blob as a result, and deletes other_blob.
void UndoSeam(TBLOB* blob, TBLOB* other_blob) const;
// Prints everything in *this SEAM.
void Print(const char* label) const;
// Prints a collection of SEAMs.
static void PrintSeams(const char* label, const GenericVector<SEAM*>& seams);
// Draws the seam in the given window.
void Mark(ScrollView* window) const;
// Break up the blobs in this chain so that they are all independent.
// This operation should undo the affect of join_pieces.
static void BreakPieces(const GenericVector<SEAM*>& seams,
const GenericVector<TBLOB*>& blobs, int first,
int last);
// Join a group of base level pieces into a single blob that can then
// be classified.
static void JoinPieces(const GenericVector<SEAM*>& seams,
const GenericVector<TBLOB*>& blobs, int first,
int last);
// Hides the seam so the outlines appear not to be cut by it.
void Hide() const;
// Undoes hide, so the outlines are cut by the seam.
void Reveal() const;
// Computes and returns, but does not set, the full priority of *this SEAM.
// The arguments here are config parameters defined in Wordrec. Add chop_
// to the beginning of the name.
float FullPriority(int xmin, int xmax, double overlap_knob,
int centered_maxwidth, double center_knob,
double width_change_knob) const;
// Maximum number of splits that a SEAM can hold.
static const int kMaxNumSplits = 3;
// Priority of this split. Lower is better.
float priority_;
// Position of the middle of the seam.
TPOINT location_;
// A range such that all splits in *this SEAM are contained within blobs in
// the range [index - widthn_,index + widthp_] where index is the index of
// this SEAM in the seams vector.
inT8 widthp_;
inT8 widthn_;
// Number of splits_ that are used.
inT8 num_splits_;
// Set of pairs of points that are the ends of each split in the SEAM.
SPLIT splits_[kMaxNumSplits];
F u n c t i o n s
void start_seam_list(TWERD* word, GenericVector<SEAM*>* seam_array);