修改UVTwain 背景黑色情况下裁切异常问题

This commit is contained in:
lovelyyoung 2021-06-10 14:00:59 +08:00
parent 90f0c0935c
commit 4b729a4585
2 changed files with 162 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
#include "ImageApplyAutoCrop.h"
#include "ImageProcess_Public.h"
#define RE 2
: m_isCrop(false)
, m_isDesaskew(false)
, m_isFillBlank(false)
, m_isConvexHull(true)
, m_isFillColor(false)
, m_threshold(40)
, m_noise(2)
, m_indent(5)
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ CImageApplyAutoCrop::CImageApplyAutoCrop(bool isCrop, bool isDesaskew, bool isFi
, m_isDesaskew(isDesaskew)
, m_isFillBlank(isFillBlank)
, m_isConvexHull(isConvex)
, m_isFillColor(false)
, m_threshold(threshold)
, m_noise(noise)
, m_indent(indent)
@ -32,45 +32,27 @@ CImageApplyAutoCrop::~CImageApplyAutoCrop()
void CImageApplyAutoCrop::apply(cv::Mat& pDib, int side)
#ifdef LOG
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", "enter CImageApplyAutoCrop apply");
#endif // LOG
if (pDib.empty())
#ifdef LOG
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", "exit CImageApplyAutoCrop apply");
#endif // LOG
if (pDib.empty()) return;
if (!m_isCrop && !m_isDesaskew && !m_isFillBlank && m_fixedSize.empty()) return;
cv::Mat src = pDib;
cv::Mat thre;
cv::Mat dst;
cv::Mat src_resize;
cv::resize(src, src_resize, cv::Size(src.cols / RE, src.rows / RE));
cv::Mat scale_mat;
cv::Mat thre(src_resize.size(), CV_8UC1);
hg::threshold_Mat(src_resize, thre, m_threshold);
hg::threshold_Mat(src, thre, m_threshold);
if (m_noise > RE)
if (m_noise > 0)
cv::Mat element = getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(m_noise / RE, m_noise / RE));
cv::Mat element = getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(m_noise, m_noise));
cv::morphologyEx(thre, thre, cv::MORPH_OPEN, element);
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours;
hg::findContours(thre, contours, hierarchy, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL);
std::vector<cv::Point> maxContour = hg::getMaxContour(contours, hierarchy);
m_maxContour = hg::getMaxContour(contours, hierarchy);
for (cv::Point& item : maxContour)
item.x = item.x * RE - RE / 2;
item.y = item.y * RE - RE / 2;
if (maxContour.size() == 0)
if (m_maxContour.size() == 0)
#ifdef LOG
@ -81,68 +63,83 @@ void CImageApplyAutoCrop::apply(cv::Mat& pDib, int side)
cv::RotatedRect rect = hg::getBoundingRect(maxContour);
cv::RotatedRect rect = hg::getBoundingRect(m_maxContour);
m_rect = rect;
if (m_isDesaskew)
cv::Rect boudingRect = cv::boundingRect(m_maxContour);
boudingRect.x -= 1;
boudingRect.y -= 1;
boudingRect.width += 2;
boudingRect.height += 2;
if (m_isDesaskew && rect.angle != 0)
cv::Point2f srcTri[4];
cv::Point2f dstTri[3];
for (cv::Point2f& p : srcTri)
p.x -= 0.5;
p.y -= 0.5;
dstTri[0] = cv::Point2f(0, rect.size.height - 1);
dstTri[1] = cv::Point2f(0, 0);
dstTri[2] = cv::Point2f(rect.size.width - 1, 0);
cv::Mat warp_mat;
warp_mat = cv::getAffineTransform(srcTri, dstTri);
cv::warpAffine(src, dst, warp_mat, rect.size);
cv::warpAffine(src, dst, warp_mat, rect.size, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
dst = src(rect.boundingRect() & cv::Rect(0, 0, src.cols, src.rows));
dst = src(boudingRect & cv::Rect(0, 0, src.cols, src.rows));
m_maxContour.push_back(cv::Point(-1, dst.rows));
m_maxContour.push_back(cv::Point(-1, -1));
m_maxContour.push_back(cv::Point(dst.cols, -1));
m_maxContour.push_back(cv::Point(dst.cols, dst.rows));
if (m_isFillBlank)
cv::Mat thre_dst;
hg::threshold_Mat(dst, thre_dst, m_threshold);
cv::erode(thre_dst, thre_dst, cv::Mat(), cv::Point(-1, -1), m_indent);
if (m_indent > 0)
std::vector<cv::Point> rectEdge{ cv::Point(0, 0) ,cv::Point(thre_dst.cols - 1, 0),
cv::Point(thre_dst.cols - 1, thre_dst.rows - 1), cv::Point(0, thre_dst.rows - 1) };
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> rectEdges{ rectEdge };
cv::drawContours(thre_dst, rectEdges, 0, cv::Scalar::all(0));
cv::Mat element = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MorphShapes::MORPH_RECT, cv::Size(m_indent, m_indent));
cv::erode(thre_dst, thre_dst, element, cv::Point(-1, -1), 1);
hg::findContours(thre_dst, contours, hierarchy, cv::RETR_EXTERNAL);
maxContour = hg::getMaxContour(contours, hierarchy);
if (m_isConvexHull)
hg::convexHull(maxContour, maxContour);
m_maxContour = hg::getMaxContour(contours, hierarchy);
hg::convexHull(m_maxContour, m_maxContour);
contours[0] = maxContour;
contours[1].push_back(cv::Point(0, dst.rows - 1));
contours[1].push_back(cv::Point(0, 0));
contours[1].push_back(cv::Point(dst.cols - 1, 0));
contours[1].push_back(cv::Point(dst.cols - 1, dst.rows - 1));
contours[contours.size() - 1].push_back(cv::Point(-1, dst.rows - 1));
contours[contours.size() - 1].push_back(cv::Point(-1, -1));
contours[contours.size() - 1].push_back(cv::Point(dst.cols, -1));
contours[contours.size() - 1].push_back(cv::Point(dst.cols, dst.rows));
hg::fillPolys(dst, contours, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255));
hg::fillPolys(dst, contours, m_isFillColor ? getBackGroudColor(pDib, rect.size.area()) : cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255));
if ((m_isCrop && side == 0) || (side == 1 && m_fixedSize.width * m_fixedSize.height == 0))
if (/*(m_isCrop && side == 0) || (side == 1 && m_fixedSize.width * m_fixedSize.height == 0)*/ m_isCrop)
pDib = dst.clone();
if (m_isCrop && side == 1 && !m_fixedSize.empty())
if (std::abs(m_fixedSize.width - dst.cols) > 50 || std::abs(m_fixedSize.height - dst.rows) > 50)
pDib = dst.clone();
#ifdef LOG
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", "exit CImageApplyAutoCrop apply");
#endif // LOG
pDib = cv::Mat(m_fixedSize, dst.type(), m_isFillBlank ? cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255) : cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
cv::Rect roi;
@ -151,19 +148,10 @@ void CImageApplyAutoCrop::apply(cv::Mat& pDib, int side)
roi.y = dst.rows > pDib.rows ? (dst.rows - pDib.rows) / 2 : 0;
roi.height = cv::min(pDib.rows, dst.rows);
cv::Rect rect((pDib.cols - roi.width) / 2, (pDib.rows - roi.height) / 2, roi.width, roi.height);
#if 0
std::string outrectinfo ="copy to rect x: "+std::to_string(rect.x) + "y: "+std::to_string(rect.y) + "width: "+std::to_string(rect.width) + "height: "+std::to_string(rect.height);
std::string outroiinfo = "roi x: " + std::to_string(roi.x) + "y: " + std::to_string(roi.y) + "width: " + std::to_string(roi.width) + "height: " + std::to_string(roi.height);
std::string dstsize = "dst size: width:" + std::to_string(dst.cols) + "height: " + std::to_string(dst.rows);
std::string pDibszie= "pDib size: width: " + std::to_string(pDib.cols) + "height: " + std::to_string(pDib.rows);
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", dstsize);
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", pDibszie);
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", outrectinfo);
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", outroiinfo);
#endif // LOG
for (cv::Point& p : m_maxContour)
p += roi.tl();
#ifdef LOG
FileTools::write_log("imgprc.txt", "exit CImageApplyAutoCrop apply8");
@ -172,13 +160,14 @@ void CImageApplyAutoCrop::apply(cv::Mat& pDib, int side)
void CImageApplyAutoCrop::apply(std::vector<cv::Mat>& mats, bool isTwoSide)
if (mats.empty()) return;
if (!mats[0].empty()) {
apply(mats[0], 0);
//cv::imwrite("1.bmp", mats[0]);
if (isTwoSide && mats.size() > 1)
cv::Size dSize = m_fixedSize;
@ -187,11 +176,66 @@ void CImageApplyAutoCrop::apply(std::vector<cv::Mat>& mats, bool isTwoSide)
if (!mats[1].empty()) {
apply(mats[1], 1);
//cv::imwrite("1.bmp", mats[0]);
if (!mats[0].empty())
m_fixedSize = dSize;
cv::Scalar CImageApplyAutoCrop::getBackGroudColor(const cv::Mat& image, int total)
if (image.channels() == 3)
cv::Mat image_bgr[3];
cv::split(image, image_bgr);
uchar bgr[3];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
bgr[i] = getBackGroudChannelMean(image_bgr[i], total);
return cv::Scalar(bgr[0], bgr[1], bgr[2]);
return cv::Scalar::all(getBackGroudChannelMean(image, total));
uchar CImageApplyAutoCrop::getBackGroudChannelMean(const cv::Mat& gray, int total)
cv::Mat image_clone;
cv::resize(gray, image_clone, cv::Size(), 0.25, 0.25);
int threnshold = total / 32;
int channels[] = { 0 };
int nHistSize[] = { 256 };
float range[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* fHistRanges[] = { range };
cv::Mat hist;
cv::calcHist(&image_clone, 1, channels, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, nHistSize, fHistRanges, true, false);
int hist_array[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
hist_array[i] = hist.at<float>(i, 0);
int length = 1;
const int length_max = 255 - m_threshold;
while (length < length_max)
for (size_t i = m_threshold + 1; i < 256 - length; i++)
int count = 0;
uint pixSum = 0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < length; j++)
count += hist_array[j + i];
pixSum += hist_array[j + i] * (i + j);
if (count >= threnshold)
return pixSum / count;
return 255;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
* ====================================================
* 2020/4/21
* 2020/4/21 v1.0
2020/7/22 v1.1 maxContourPC端暂时无需使用
2020/10/16 v1.2 BUG
2020/10/28 v1.2.1 BUG
2020/10/28 v1.2.2 BUG
2020/10/29 v1.2.3 0°
2020/11/30 v1.3.0 稿
* v1.3.0
* ====================================================
@ -8,7 +26,18 @@ class CImageApplyAutoCrop : public CImageApply
CImageApplyAutoCrop(bool isCrop, bool isDesaskew, bool isFillBlank, const cv::Size& fixedSize, bool isConvex = true, double threshold = 40, int noise = 40, int indent = 5);
* isCrop [in]:使true自动裁剪false为固定裁剪
* isDesaskew [in]:使true自动纠偏false为不纠偏
* isFillBlank [in]:使true为填充false为不填充
* fixedSize [in]:isCrop为false时生效fixedSize大小输出
* isConvex [in]:,true为凸多边形填充false为凹多边形填充true
* isFillColor [in]:false为白色填充true为自适应文稿底色填充false
* threshold [in]:(0, 255)40
* noise [in]:noise宽度的背景竖条纹干扰40
* indent [in]:indent像素5
CImageApplyAutoCrop(bool isCrop, bool isDesaskew, bool isFillBlank, const cv::Size& fixedSize, bool isConvex = true, double threshold = 40, int noise = 2, int indent = 5);
virtual ~CImageApplyAutoCrop();
@ -26,6 +55,10 @@ public:
double threshold() { return m_threshold; }
const cv::RotatedRect& rotatedROI() { return m_rect; }
const std::vector<cv::RotatedRect>& rotatedROIs() { return m_rects; }
int noise() { return m_noise; }
int indent() { return m_indent; }
@ -50,19 +83,25 @@ public:
void setFixedSize(cv::Size size) { m_fixedSize = size; }
cv::Scalar getBackGroudColor(const cv::Mat& image, int total);
uchar getBackGroudChannelMean(const cv::Mat& gray, int total);
bool m_isCrop;
bool m_isDesaskew;
bool m_isFillBlank;
bool m_isConvexHull;
bool m_isFillColor;
double m_threshold;
int m_noise;
int m_indent;
cv::Size m_fixedSize;
cv::RotatedRect m_rect;
std::vector<cv::Point> m_maxContour;
std::vector<cv::RotatedRect> m_rects;