/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: resultiterator.cpp // Description: Iterator for tesseract results that is capable of // iterating in proper reading order over Bi Directional // (e.g. mixed Hebrew and English) text. // Author: David Eger // Created: Fri May 27 13:58:06 PST 2011 // // (C) Copyright 2011, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "resultiterator.h" #include "allheaders.h" #include "pageres.h" #include "strngs.h" #include "tesseractclass.h" #include "unicharset.h" #include "unicodes.h" namespace tesseract { ResultIterator::ResultIterator(const LTRResultIterator &resit) : LTRResultIterator(resit) { in_minor_direction_ = false; at_beginning_of_minor_run_ = false; preserve_interword_spaces_ = false; BoolParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( "preserve_interword_spaces", GlobalParams()->bool_params, tesseract_->params()->bool_params); if (p != NULL) preserve_interword_spaces_ = (bool)(*p); current_paragraph_is_ltr_ = CurrentParagraphIsLtr(); MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline(); } ResultIterator *ResultIterator::StartOfParagraph( const LTRResultIterator &resit) { return new ResultIterator(resit); } bool ResultIterator::ParagraphIsLtr() const { return current_paragraph_is_ltr_; } bool ResultIterator::CurrentParagraphIsLtr() const { if (!it_->word()) return true; // doesn't matter. LTRResultIterator it(*this); it.RestartParagraph(); // Try to figure out the ltr-ness of the paragraph. The rules below // make more sense in the context of a difficult paragraph example. // Here we denote {ltr characters, RTL CHARACTERS}: // // "don't go in there!" DAIS EH // EHT OTNI DEPMUJ FELSMIH NEHT DNA // .GNIDLIUB GNINRUB // // On the first line, the left-most word is LTR and the rightmost word // is RTL. Thus, we are better off taking the majority direction for // the whole paragraph contents. So instead of "the leftmost word is LTR" // indicating an LTR paragraph, we use a heuristic about what RTL paragraphs // would not do: Typically an RTL paragraph would *not* start with an LTR // word. So our heuristics are as follows: // // (1) If the first text line has an RTL word in the left-most position // it is RTL. // (2) If the first text line has an LTR word in the right-most position // it is LTR. // (3) If neither of the above is true, take the majority count for the // paragraph -- if there are more rtl words, it is RTL. If there // are more LTR words, it's LTR. bool leftmost_rtl = it.WordDirection() == DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; bool rightmost_ltr = it.WordDirection() == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; int num_ltr, num_rtl; num_rtl = leftmost_rtl ? 1 : 0; num_ltr = (it.WordDirection() == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; for (it.Next(RIL_WORD); !it.Empty(RIL_WORD) && !it.IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_TEXTLINE); it.Next(RIL_WORD)) { StrongScriptDirection dir = it.WordDirection(); rightmost_ltr = (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT); num_rtl += (dir == DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) ? 1 : 0; num_ltr += rightmost_ltr ? 1 : 0; } if (leftmost_rtl) return false; if (rightmost_ltr) return true; // First line is ambiguous. Take statistics on the whole paragraph. if (!it.Empty(RIL_WORD) && !it.IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_PARA)) do { StrongScriptDirection dir = it.WordDirection(); num_rtl += (dir == DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) ? 1 : 0; num_ltr += (dir == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; } while (it.Next(RIL_WORD) && !it.IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_PARA)); return num_ltr >= num_rtl; } const int ResultIterator::kMinorRunStart = -1; const int ResultIterator::kMinorRunEnd = -2; const int ResultIterator::kComplexWord = -3; void ResultIterator::CalculateBlobOrder( GenericVector *blob_indices) const { bool context_is_ltr = current_paragraph_is_ltr_ ^ in_minor_direction_; blob_indices->clear(); if (Empty(RIL_WORD)) return; if (context_is_ltr || it_->word()->UnicharsInReadingOrder()) { // Easy! just return the blobs in order; for (int i = 0; i < word_length_; i++) blob_indices->push_back(i); return; } // The blobs are in left-to-right order, but the current reading context // is right-to-left. const int U_LTR = UNICHARSET::U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; const int U_RTL = UNICHARSET::U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; const int U_EURO_NUM = UNICHARSET::U_EUROPEAN_NUMBER; const int U_EURO_NUM_SEP = UNICHARSET::U_EUROPEAN_NUMBER_SEPARATOR; const int U_EURO_NUM_TERM = UNICHARSET::U_EUROPEAN_NUMBER_TERMINATOR; const int U_COMMON_NUM_SEP = UNICHARSET::U_COMMON_NUMBER_SEPARATOR; const int U_OTHER_NEUTRAL = UNICHARSET::U_OTHER_NEUTRAL; // Step 1: Scan for and mark European Number sequences // [:ET:]*[:EN:]+(([:ES:]|[:CS:])?[:EN:]+)*[:ET:]* GenericVector letter_types; for (int i = 0; i < word_length_; i++) { letter_types.push_back(it_->word()->SymbolDirection(i)); } // Convert a single separtor sandwiched between two EN's into an EN. for (int i = 0; i + 2 < word_length_; i++) { if (letter_types[i] == U_EURO_NUM && letter_types[i + 2] == U_EURO_NUM && (letter_types[i + 1] == U_EURO_NUM_SEP || letter_types[i + 1] == U_COMMON_NUM_SEP)) { letter_types[i + 1] = U_EURO_NUM; } } // Scan for sequences of European Number Terminators around ENs and convert // them to ENs. for (int i = 0; i < word_length_; i++) { if (letter_types[i] == U_EURO_NUM_TERM) { int j = i + 1; while (j < word_length_ && letter_types[j] == U_EURO_NUM_TERM) { j++; } if (j < word_length_ && letter_types[j] == U_EURO_NUM) { // The sequence [i..j] should be converted to all European Numbers. for (int k = i; k < j; k++) letter_types[k] = U_EURO_NUM; } j = i - 1; while (j > -1 && letter_types[j] == U_EURO_NUM_TERM) { j--; } if (j > -1 && letter_types[j] == U_EURO_NUM) { // The sequence [j..i] should be converted to all European Numbers. for (int k = j; k <= i; k++) letter_types[k] = U_EURO_NUM; } } } // Step 2: Convert all remaining types to either L or R. // Sequences ([:L:]|[:EN:])+ (([:CS:]|[:ON:])+ ([:L:]|[:EN:])+)* -> L. // All other are R. for (int i = 0; i < word_length_;) { int ti = letter_types[i]; if (ti == U_LTR || ti == U_EURO_NUM) { // Left to right sequence; scan to the end of it. int last_good = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < word_length_; j++) { int tj = letter_types[j]; if (tj == U_LTR || tj == U_EURO_NUM) { last_good = j; } else if (tj == U_COMMON_NUM_SEP || tj == U_OTHER_NEUTRAL) { // do nothing. } else { break; } } // [i..last_good] is the L sequence for (int k = i; k <= last_good; k++) letter_types[k] = U_LTR; i = last_good + 1; } else { letter_types[i] = U_RTL; i++; } } // At this point, letter_types is entirely U_LTR or U_RTL. for (int i = word_length_ - 1; i >= 0;) { if (letter_types[i] == U_RTL) { blob_indices->push_back(i); i--; } else { // left to right sequence. scan to the beginning. int j = i - 1; for (; j >= 0 && letter_types[j] != U_RTL; j--) {} // pass // Now (j, i] is LTR for (int k = j + 1; k <= i; k++) blob_indices->push_back(k); i = j; } } ASSERT_HOST(blob_indices->size() == word_length_); } static void PrintScriptDirs(const GenericVector &dirs) { for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size(); i++) { switch (dirs[i]) { case DIR_NEUTRAL: tprintf("N "); break; case DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT: tprintf("L "); break; case DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT: tprintf("R "); break; case DIR_MIX: tprintf("Z "); break; default: tprintf("? "); break; } } tprintf("\n"); } void ResultIterator::CalculateTextlineOrder( bool paragraph_is_ltr, const LTRResultIterator &resit, GenericVectorEqEq *word_indices) const { GenericVector directions; CalculateTextlineOrder(paragraph_is_ltr, resit, &directions, word_indices); } void ResultIterator::CalculateTextlineOrder( bool paragraph_is_ltr, const LTRResultIterator &resit, GenericVector *dirs_arg, GenericVectorEqEq *word_indices) const { GenericVector dirs; GenericVector *directions; directions = (dirs_arg != NULL) ? dirs_arg : &dirs; directions->truncate(0); // A LTRResultIterator goes strictly left-to-right word order. LTRResultIterator ltr_it(resit); ltr_it.RestartRow(); if (ltr_it.Empty(RIL_WORD)) return; do { directions->push_back(ltr_it.WordDirection()); } while (ltr_it.Next(RIL_WORD) && !ltr_it.IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_TEXTLINE)); word_indices->truncate(0); CalculateTextlineOrder(paragraph_is_ltr, *directions, word_indices); } void ResultIterator::CalculateTextlineOrder( bool paragraph_is_ltr, const GenericVector &word_dirs, GenericVectorEqEq *reading_order) { reading_order->truncate(0); if (word_dirs.size() == 0) return; // Take all of the runs of minor direction words and insert them // in reverse order. int minor_direction, major_direction, major_step, start, end; if (paragraph_is_ltr) { start = 0; end = word_dirs.size(); major_step = 1; major_direction = DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; minor_direction = DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } else { start = word_dirs.size() - 1; end = -1; major_step = -1; major_direction = DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; minor_direction = DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; // Special rule: if there are neutral words at the right most side // of a line adjacent to a left-to-right word in the middle of the // line, we interpret the end of the line as a single LTR sequence. if (word_dirs[start] == DIR_NEUTRAL) { int neutral_end = start; while (neutral_end > 0 && word_dirs[neutral_end] == DIR_NEUTRAL) { neutral_end--; } if (neutral_end >= 0 && word_dirs[neutral_end] == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { // LTR followed by neutrals. // Scan for the beginning of the minor left-to-right run. int left = neutral_end; for (int i = left; i >= 0 && word_dirs[i] != DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT; i--) { if (word_dirs[i] == DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) left = i; } reading_order->push_back(kMinorRunStart); for (int i = left; i < word_dirs.size(); i++) { reading_order->push_back(i); if (word_dirs[i] == DIR_MIX) reading_order->push_back(kComplexWord); } reading_order->push_back(kMinorRunEnd); start = left - 1; } } } for (int i = start; i != end;) { if (word_dirs[i] == minor_direction) { int j = i; while (j != end && word_dirs[j] != major_direction) j += major_step; if (j == end) j -= major_step; while (j != i && word_dirs[j] != minor_direction) j -= major_step; // [j..i] is a minor direction run. reading_order->push_back(kMinorRunStart); for (int k = j; k != i; k -= major_step) { reading_order->push_back(k); } reading_order->push_back(i); reading_order->push_back(kMinorRunEnd); i = j + major_step; } else { reading_order->push_back(i); if (word_dirs[i] == DIR_MIX) reading_order->push_back(kComplexWord); i += major_step; } } } int ResultIterator::LTRWordIndex() const { int this_word_index = 0; LTRResultIterator textline(*this); textline.RestartRow(); while (!textline.PositionedAtSameWord(it_)) { this_word_index++; textline.Next(RIL_WORD); } return this_word_index; } void ResultIterator::MoveToLogicalStartOfWord() { if (word_length_ == 0) { BeginWord(0); return; } GenericVector blob_order; CalculateBlobOrder(&blob_order); if (blob_order.size() == 0 || blob_order[0] == 0) return; BeginWord(blob_order[0]); } bool ResultIterator::IsAtFinalSymbolOfWord() const { if (!it_->word()) return true; GenericVector blob_order; CalculateBlobOrder(&blob_order); return blob_order.size() == 0 || blob_order.back() == blob_index_; } bool ResultIterator::IsAtFirstSymbolOfWord() const { if (!it_->word()) return true; GenericVector blob_order; CalculateBlobOrder(&blob_order); return blob_order.size() == 0 || blob_order[0] == blob_index_; } void ResultIterator::AppendSuffixMarks(STRING *text) const { if (!it_->word()) return; bool reading_direction_is_ltr = current_paragraph_is_ltr_ ^ in_minor_direction_; // scan forward to see what meta-information the word ordering algorithm // left us. // If this word is at the *end* of a minor run, insert the other // direction's mark; else if this was a complex word, insert the // current reading order's mark. GenericVectorEqEq textline_order; CalculateTextlineOrder(current_paragraph_is_ltr_, *this, &textline_order); int this_word_index = LTRWordIndex(); int i = textline_order.get_index(this_word_index); if (i < 0) return; int last_non_word_mark = 0; for (i++; i < textline_order.size() && textline_order[i] < 0; i++) { last_non_word_mark = textline_order[i]; } if (last_non_word_mark == kComplexWord) { *text += reading_direction_is_ltr ? kLRM : kRLM; } else if (last_non_word_mark == kMinorRunEnd) { if (current_paragraph_is_ltr_) { *text += kLRM; } else { *text += kRLM; } } } void ResultIterator::MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline() { GenericVectorEqEq word_indices; RestartRow(); CalculateTextlineOrder(current_paragraph_is_ltr_, dynamic_cast(*this), &word_indices); int i = 0; for (; i < word_indices.size() && word_indices[i] < 0; i++) { if (word_indices[i] == kMinorRunStart) in_minor_direction_ = true; else if (word_indices[i] == kMinorRunEnd) in_minor_direction_ = false; } if (in_minor_direction_) at_beginning_of_minor_run_ = true; if (i >= word_indices.size()) return; int first_word_index = word_indices[i]; for (int j = 0; j < first_word_index; j++) { PageIterator::Next(RIL_WORD); } MoveToLogicalStartOfWord(); } void ResultIterator::Begin() { LTRResultIterator::Begin(); current_paragraph_is_ltr_ = CurrentParagraphIsLtr(); in_minor_direction_ = false; at_beginning_of_minor_run_ = false; MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline(); } bool ResultIterator::Next(PageIteratorLevel level) { if (it_->block() == NULL) return false; // already at end! switch (level) { case RIL_BLOCK: // explicit fall-through case RIL_PARA: // explicit fall-through case RIL_TEXTLINE: if (!PageIterator::Next(level)) return false; if (IsWithinFirstTextlineOfParagraph()) { // if we've advanced to a new paragraph, // recalculate current_paragraph_is_ltr_ current_paragraph_is_ltr_ = CurrentParagraphIsLtr(); } in_minor_direction_ = false; MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline(); return it_->block() != NULL; case RIL_SYMBOL: { GenericVector blob_order; CalculateBlobOrder(&blob_order); int next_blob = 0; while (next_blob < blob_order.size() && blob_index_ != blob_order[next_blob]) next_blob++; next_blob++; if (next_blob < blob_order.size()) { // we're in the same word; simply advance one blob. BeginWord(blob_order[next_blob]); at_beginning_of_minor_run_ = false; return true; } level = RIL_WORD; // we've fallen through to the next word. } case RIL_WORD: // explicit fall-through. { if (it_->word() == NULL) return Next(RIL_BLOCK); GenericVectorEqEq word_indices; int this_word_index = LTRWordIndex(); CalculateTextlineOrder(current_paragraph_is_ltr_, *this, &word_indices); int final_real_index = word_indices.size() - 1; while (final_real_index > 0 && word_indices[final_real_index] < 0) final_real_index--; for (int i = 0; i < final_real_index; i++) { if (word_indices[i] == this_word_index) { int j = i + 1; for (; j < final_real_index && word_indices[j] < 0; j++) { if (word_indices[j] == kMinorRunStart) in_minor_direction_ = true; if (word_indices[j] == kMinorRunEnd) in_minor_direction_ = false; } at_beginning_of_minor_run_ = (word_indices[j - 1] == kMinorRunStart); // awesome, we move to word_indices[j] if (BidiDebug(3)) { tprintf("Next(RIL_WORD): %d -> %d\n", this_word_index, word_indices[j]); } PageIterator::RestartRow(); for (int k = 0; k < word_indices[j]; k++) { PageIterator::Next(RIL_WORD); } MoveToLogicalStartOfWord(); return true; } } if (BidiDebug(3)) { tprintf("Next(RIL_WORD): %d -> EOL\n", this_word_index); } // we're going off the end of the text line. return Next(RIL_TEXTLINE); } } ASSERT_HOST(false); // shouldn't happen. return false; } bool ResultIterator::IsAtBeginningOf(PageIteratorLevel level) const { if (it_->block() == NULL) return false; // Already at the end! if (it_->word() == NULL) return true; // In an image block. if (level == RIL_SYMBOL) return true; // Always at beginning of a symbol. bool at_word_start = IsAtFirstSymbolOfWord(); if (level == RIL_WORD) return at_word_start; ResultIterator line_start(*this); // move to the first word in the line... line_start.MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline(); bool at_textline_start = at_word_start && *line_start.it_ == *it_; if (level == RIL_TEXTLINE) return at_textline_start; // now we move to the left-most word... line_start.RestartRow(); bool at_block_start = at_textline_start && line_start.it_->block() != line_start.it_->prev_block(); if (level == RIL_BLOCK) return at_block_start; bool at_para_start = at_block_start || (at_textline_start && line_start.it_->row()->row->para() != line_start.it_->prev_row()->row->para()); if (level == RIL_PARA) return at_para_start; ASSERT_HOST(false); // shouldn't happen. return false; } /** * NOTE! This is an exact copy of PageIterator::IsAtFinalElement with the * change that the variable next is now a ResultIterator instead of a * PageIterator. */ bool ResultIterator::IsAtFinalElement(PageIteratorLevel level, PageIteratorLevel element) const { if (Empty(element)) return true; // Already at the end! // The result is true if we step forward by element and find we are // at the the end of the page or at beginning of *all* levels in: // [level, element). // When there is more than one level difference between element and level, // we could for instance move forward one symbol and still be at the first // word on a line, so we also have to be at the first symbol in a word. ResultIterator next(*this); next.Next(element); if (next.Empty(element)) return true; // Reached the end of the page. while (element > level) { element = static_cast(element - 1); if (!next.IsAtBeginningOf(element)) return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the null terminated UTF-8 encoded text string for the current * object at the given level. Use delete [] to free after use. */ char* ResultIterator::GetUTF8Text(PageIteratorLevel level) const { if (it_->word() == NULL) return NULL; // Already at the end! STRING text; switch (level) { case RIL_BLOCK: { ResultIterator pp(*this); do { pp.AppendUTF8ParagraphText(&text); } while (pp.Next(RIL_PARA) && pp.it_->block() == it_->block()); } break; case RIL_PARA: AppendUTF8ParagraphText(&text); break; case RIL_TEXTLINE: { ResultIterator it(*this); it.MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline(); it.IterateAndAppendUTF8TextlineText(&text); } break; case RIL_WORD: AppendUTF8WordText(&text); break; case RIL_SYMBOL: { bool reading_direction_is_ltr = current_paragraph_is_ltr_ ^ in_minor_direction_; if (at_beginning_of_minor_run_) { text += reading_direction_is_ltr ? kLRM : kRLM; } text = it_->word()->BestUTF8(blob_index_, !reading_direction_is_ltr); if (IsAtFinalSymbolOfWord()) AppendSuffixMarks(&text); } break; } int length = text.length() + 1; char* result = new char[length]; strncpy(result, text.string(), length); return result; } void ResultIterator::AppendUTF8WordText(STRING *text) const { if (!it_->word()) return; ASSERT_HOST(it_->word()->best_choice != NULL); bool reading_direction_is_ltr = current_paragraph_is_ltr_ ^ in_minor_direction_; if (at_beginning_of_minor_run_) { *text += reading_direction_is_ltr ? kLRM : kRLM; } GenericVector blob_order; CalculateBlobOrder(&blob_order); for (int i = 0; i < blob_order.size(); i++) { *text += it_->word()->BestUTF8(blob_order[i], !reading_direction_is_ltr); } AppendSuffixMarks(text); } void ResultIterator::IterateAndAppendUTF8TextlineText(STRING *text) { if (Empty(RIL_WORD)) { Next(RIL_WORD); return; } if (BidiDebug(1)) { GenericVectorEqEq textline_order; GenericVector dirs; CalculateTextlineOrder(current_paragraph_is_ltr_, *this, &dirs, &textline_order); tprintf("Strong Script dirs [%p/P=%s]: ", it_->row(), current_paragraph_is_ltr_ ? "ltr" : "rtl"); PrintScriptDirs(dirs); tprintf("Logical textline order [%p/P=%s]: ", it_->row(), current_paragraph_is_ltr_ ? "ltr" : "rtl"); for (int i = 0; i < textline_order.size(); i++) { tprintf("%d ", textline_order[i]); } tprintf("\n"); } int words_appended = 0; do { int numSpaces = preserve_interword_spaces_ ? it_->word()->word->space() : (words_appended > 0); for (int i = 0; i < numSpaces; ++i) { *text += " "; } AppendUTF8WordText(text); words_appended++; } while (Next(RIL_WORD) && !IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_TEXTLINE)); if (BidiDebug(1)) { tprintf("%d words printed\n", words_appended); } *text += line_separator_; // If we just finished a paragraph, add an extra newline. if (it_->block() == NULL || IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_PARA)) *text += paragraph_separator_; } void ResultIterator::AppendUTF8ParagraphText(STRING *text) const { ResultIterator it(*this); it.RestartParagraph(); it.MoveToLogicalStartOfTextline(); if (it.Empty(RIL_WORD)) return; do { it.IterateAndAppendUTF8TextlineText(text); } while (it.it_->block() != NULL && !it.IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_PARA)); } bool ResultIterator::BidiDebug(int min_level) const { int debug_level = 1; IntParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( "bidi_debug", GlobalParams()->int_params, tesseract_->params()->int_params); if (p != NULL) debug_level = (inT32)(*p); return debug_level >= min_level; } } // namespace tesseract.