/*====================================================================* - Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved. - - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - are met: - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above - copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following - disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - provided with the distribution. - - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY - CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, - EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, - PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR - PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY - OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS - SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *====================================================================*/ /*! * \file dnahash.c *
 *      DnaHash creation, destruction
 *          L_DNAHASH   *l_dnaHashCreate()
 *          void         l_dnaHashDestroy()
 *      DnaHash: Accessors and modifiers                      *
 *          l_int32      l_dnaHashGetCount()
 *          l_int32      l_dnaHashGetTotalCount()
 *          L_DNA       *l_dnaHashGetDna()
 *          void         l_dnaHashAdd()
 *      DnaHash: Operations on Dna
 *          L_DNAHASH   *l_dnaHashCreateFromDna()
 *          l_int32      l_dnaRemoveDupsByHash()
 *          l_int32      l_dnaMakeHistoByHash()
 *          L_DNA       *l_dnaIntersectionByHash()
 *          l_int32      l_dnaFindValByHash()
 *    (1) The DnaHash is an array of Dna.  It is useful for fast
 *        storage and lookup for sets and maps.  If the set or map
 *        is on a Dna itself, the hash is a simple function that
 *        maps a double to a l_uint64; otherwise the function will
 *        map a string or a (x,y) point to a l_uint64.  The result of
 *        the map is the "key", which is then used with the mod
 *        function to select which Dna array is to be used.  The
 *        number of arrays in a DnaHash should be a prime number.
 *        If there are N items, we set up the DnaHash array to have
 *        approximately N/20 Dna, so the average size of these arrays
 *        will be about 20 when fully populated.  The number 20 was
 *        found empirically to be in a broad maximum of efficiency.
 *    (2) Note that the word "hash" is overloaded.  There are actually
 *        two hashing steps: the first hashes the object to a l_uint64,
 *        called the "key", and the second uses the mod function to
 *        "hash" the "key" to the index of a particular Dna in the
 *        DnaHash array.
 *    (3) Insertion and lookup time for DnaHash is O(1).  Hash collisions
 *        are easily handled (we expect an average of 20 for each key),
 *        so we can use simple (fast) hash functions: we deal with
 *        collisions by storing an array for each hash key.
 *        This can be contrasted with using rbtree for sets and
 *        maps, where insertion and lookup are O(logN) and hash functions
 *        are slower because they must be good enough (i.e, random
 *        enough with arbitrary input) to avoid collisions.
 *    (4) Hash functions that map points, strings and floats to l_uint64
 *        are given in utils.c.
 *    (5) The use of the DnaHash (and RBTree) with strings and
 *        (x,y) points can be found in string2.c and ptafunc2.c, rsp.
 *        This file has similar hash set functions, using DnaHash on
 *        two input Dna, for removing duplicates and finding the
 *        intersection.  It also uses DnaHash as a hash map to find
 *        a histogram of counts from an input Dna.
 *    (6) Comparisons in running time, between DnaHash and RBTree, for
 *        large sets of strings and points, are given in prog/hashtest.c.
 *    (7) This is a very simple implementation, that expects that you
 *        know approximately (i.e., within a factor of 2 or 3) how many
 *        items are to be stored when you initialize the DnaHash.
 *        (It would be nice to modify the l_dnaHashAdd() function
 *        to increase the number of bins when the average occupation
 *        exceeds 40 or so.)
 *    (8) Useful rule of thumb for hashing collisions:
 *        For a random hashing function (say, from strings to l_uint64),
 *        the probability of a collision increases as N^2 for N much
 *        less than 2^32.  The quadratic behavior switches over to
 *        approaching 1.0 around 2^32, which is the square root of 2^64.
 *        So, for example, if you have 10^7 strings, the probability
 *        of a single collision using an l_uint64 key is on the order of
 *            (10^7/10^9)^2 ~ 10^-4.
 *        For a million strings you don't need to worry about collisons
 *        (~10-6 probability), and for most applications can use the
 *        RBTree (sorting) implementation with confidence.
*/ #include "allheaders.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Dna hash: Creation and destruction * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief l_dnaHashCreate() * * \param[in] nbuckets the number of buckets in the hash table, * which should be prime. * \param[in] initsize initial size of each allocated dna; 0 for default * \return ptr to new dnahash, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Actual dna are created only as required by l_dnaHashAdd()
*/ L_DNAHASH * l_dnaHashCreate(l_int32 nbuckets, l_int32 initsize) { L_DNAHASH *dahash; PROCNAME("l_dnaHashCreate"); if (nbuckets <= 0) return (L_DNAHASH *)ERROR_PTR("negative hash size", procName, NULL); dahash = (L_DNAHASH *)LEPT_CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_DNAHASH)); if ((dahash->dna = (L_DNA **)LEPT_CALLOC(nbuckets, sizeof(L_DNA *))) == NULL) { LEPT_FREE(dahash); return (L_DNAHASH *)ERROR_PTR("dna ptr array not made", procName, NULL); } dahash->nbuckets = nbuckets; dahash->initsize = initsize; return dahash; } /*! * \brief l_dnaHashDestroy() * * \param[in,out] pdahash will be set to null before returning * \return void */ void l_dnaHashDestroy(L_DNAHASH **pdahash) { L_DNAHASH *dahash; l_int32 i; PROCNAME("l_dnaHashDestroy"); if (pdahash == NULL) { L_WARNING("ptr address is NULL!\n", procName); return; } if ((dahash = *pdahash) == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < dahash->nbuckets; i++) l_dnaDestroy(&dahash->dna[i]); LEPT_FREE(dahash->dna); LEPT_FREE(dahash); *pdahash = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Dna hash: Accessors and modifiers * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief l_dnaHashGetCount() * * \param[in] dahash * \return nbuckets allocated, or 0 on error */ l_int32 l_dnaHashGetCount(L_DNAHASH *dahash) { PROCNAME("l_dnaHashGetCount"); if (!dahash) return ERROR_INT("dahash not defined", procName, 0); return dahash->nbuckets; } /*! * \brief l_dnaHashGetTotalCount() * * \param[in] dahash * \return n number of numbers in all dna, or 0 on error */ l_int32 l_dnaHashGetTotalCount(L_DNAHASH *dahash) { l_int32 i, n; L_DNA *da; PROCNAME("l_dnaHashGetTotalCount"); if (!dahash) return ERROR_INT("dahash not defined", procName, 0); for (i = 0, n = 0; i < dahash->nbuckets; i++) { da = l_dnaHashGetDna(dahash, i, L_NOCOPY); if (da) n += l_dnaGetCount(da); } return n; } /*! * \brief l_dnaHashGetDna() * * \param[in] dahash * \param[in] key key to be hashed into a bucket number * \param[in] copyflag L_NOCOPY, L_COPY, L_CLONE * \return ptr to dna */ L_DNA * l_dnaHashGetDna(L_DNAHASH *dahash, l_uint64 key, l_int32 copyflag) { l_int32 bucket; L_DNA *da; PROCNAME("l_dnaHashGetDna"); if (!dahash) return (L_DNA *)ERROR_PTR("dahash not defined", procName, NULL); bucket = key % dahash->nbuckets; da = dahash->dna[bucket]; if (da) { if (copyflag == L_NOCOPY) return da; else if (copyflag == L_COPY) return l_dnaCopy(da); else return l_dnaClone(da); } else return NULL; } /*! * \brief l_dnaHashAdd() * * \param[in] dahash * \param[in] key key to be hashed into a bucket number * \param[in] value float value to be appended to the specific dna * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error */ l_ok l_dnaHashAdd(L_DNAHASH *dahash, l_uint64 key, l_float64 value) { l_int32 bucket; L_DNA *da; PROCNAME("l_dnaHashAdd"); if (!dahash) return ERROR_INT("dahash not defined", procName, 1); bucket = key % dahash->nbuckets; da = dahash->dna[bucket]; if (!da) { if ((da = l_dnaCreate(dahash->initsize)) == NULL) return ERROR_INT("da not made", procName, 1); dahash->dna[bucket] = da; } l_dnaAddNumber(da, value); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * DnaHash: Operations on Dna * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief l_dnaHashCreateFromDna() * * \param[in] da * \return dahash if OK; 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The values stored in the %dahash are indices into %da;
 *          %dahash has no use without %da.
*/ L_DNAHASH * l_dnaHashCreateFromDna(L_DNA *da) { l_int32 i, n; l_uint32 nsize; l_uint64 key; l_float64 val; L_DNAHASH *dahash; PROCNAME("l_dnaHashCreateFromDna"); if (!da) return (L_DNAHASH *)ERROR_PTR("da not defined", procName, NULL); n = l_dnaGetCount(da); findNextLargerPrime(n / 20, &nsize); /* buckets in hash table */ dahash = l_dnaHashCreate(nsize, 8); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { l_dnaGetDValue(da, i, &val); l_hashFloat64ToUint64(nsize, val, &key); l_dnaHashAdd(dahash, key, (l_float64)i); } return dahash; } /*! * \brief l_dnaRemoveDupsByHash() * * \param[in] das * \param[out] pdad hash set * \param[out] pdahash [optional] dnahash used for lookup * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Generates a dna with unique values.
 *      (2) The dnahash is built up with dad to assure uniqueness.
 *          It can be used to find if an element is in the set:
 *              l_dnaFindValByHash(dad, dahash, val, &index)
*/ l_ok l_dnaRemoveDupsByHash(L_DNA *das, L_DNA **pdad, L_DNAHASH **pdahash) { l_int32 i, n, index, items; l_uint32 nsize; l_uint64 key; l_float64 val; L_DNA *dad; L_DNAHASH *dahash; PROCNAME("l_dnaRemoveDupsByHash"); if (pdahash) *pdahash = NULL; if (!pdad) return ERROR_INT("&dad not defined", procName, 1); *pdad = NULL; if (!das) return ERROR_INT("das not defined", procName, 1); n = l_dnaGetCount(das); findNextLargerPrime(n / 20, &nsize); /* buckets in hash table */ dahash = l_dnaHashCreate(nsize, 8); dad = l_dnaCreate(n); *pdad = dad; for (i = 0, items = 0; i < n; i++) { l_dnaGetDValue(das, i, &val); l_dnaFindValByHash(dad, dahash, val, &index); if (index < 0) { /* not found */ l_hashFloat64ToUint64(nsize, val, &key); l_dnaHashAdd(dahash, key, (l_float64)items); l_dnaAddNumber(dad, val); items++; } } if (pdahash) *pdahash = dahash; else l_dnaHashDestroy(&dahash); return 0; } /*! * \brief l_dnaMakeHistoByHash() * * \param[in] das * \param[out] pdahash hash map: val --> index * \param[out] pdav array of values: index --> val * \param[out] pdac histo array of counts: index --> count * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Generates and returns a dna of occurrences (histogram),
 *          an aligned dna of values, and an associated hashmap.
 *          The hashmap takes %dav and a value, and points into the
 *          histogram in %dac.
 *      (2) The dna of values, %dav, is aligned with the histogram %dac,
 *          and is needed for fast lookup.  It is a hash set, because
 *          the values are unique.
 *      (3) Lookup is simple:
 *              l_dnaFindValByHash(dav, dahash, val, &index);
 *              if (index >= 0)
 *                  l_dnaGetIValue(dac, index, &icount);
 *              else
 *                  icount = 0;
*/ l_ok l_dnaMakeHistoByHash(L_DNA *das, L_DNAHASH **pdahash, L_DNA **pdav, L_DNA **pdac) { l_int32 i, n, nitems, index, count; l_uint32 nsize; l_uint64 key; l_float64 val; L_DNA *dac, *dav; L_DNAHASH *dahash; PROCNAME("l_dnaMakeHistoByHash"); if (pdahash) *pdahash = NULL; if (pdac) *pdac = NULL; if (pdav) *pdav = NULL; if (!pdahash || !pdac || !pdav) return ERROR_INT("&dahash, &dac, &dav not all defined", procName, 1); if (!das) return ERROR_INT("das not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = l_dnaGetCount(das)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("no data in das", procName, 1); findNextLargerPrime(n / 20, &nsize); /* buckets in hash table */ dahash = l_dnaHashCreate(nsize, 8); dac = l_dnaCreate(n); /* histogram */ dav = l_dnaCreate(n); /* the values */ for (i = 0, nitems = 0; i < n; i++) { l_dnaGetDValue(das, i, &val); /* Is this value already stored in dav? */ l_dnaFindValByHash(dav, dahash, val, &index); if (index >= 0) { /* found */ l_dnaGetIValue(dac, (l_float64)index, &count); l_dnaSetValue(dac, (l_float64)index, count + 1); } else { /* not found */ l_hashFloat64ToUint64(nsize, val, &key); l_dnaHashAdd(dahash, key, (l_float64)nitems); l_dnaAddNumber(dav, val); l_dnaAddNumber(dac, 1); nitems++; } } *pdahash = dahash; *pdac = dac; *pdav = dav; return 0; } /*! * \brief l_dnaIntersectionByHash() * * \param[in] da1, da2 * \return dad intersection of the number arrays, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This uses the same method for building the intersection set
 *          as ptaIntersectionByHash() and sarrayIntersectionByHash().
*/ L_DNA * l_dnaIntersectionByHash(L_DNA *da1, L_DNA *da2) { l_int32 n1, n2, nsmall, nbuckets, i, index1, index2; l_uint32 nsize2; l_uint64 key; l_float64 val; L_DNAHASH *dahash1, *dahash2; L_DNA *da_small, *da_big, *dad; PROCNAME("l_dnaIntersectionByHash"); if (!da1) return (L_DNA *)ERROR_PTR("da1 not defined", procName, NULL); if (!da2) return (L_DNA *)ERROR_PTR("da2 not defined", procName, NULL); /* Put the elements of the biggest array into a dnahash */ n1 = l_dnaGetCount(da1); n2 = l_dnaGetCount(da2); da_small = (n1 < n2) ? da1 : da2; /* do not destroy da_small */ da_big = (n1 < n2) ? da2 : da1; /* do not destroy da_big */ dahash1 = l_dnaHashCreateFromDna(da_big); /* Build up the intersection of numbers. Add to %dad * if the number is in da_big (using dahash1) but hasn't * yet been seen in the traversal of da_small (using dahash2). */ dad = l_dnaCreate(0); nsmall = l_dnaGetCount(da_small); findNextLargerPrime(nsmall / 20, &nsize2); /* buckets in hash table */ dahash2 = l_dnaHashCreate(nsize2, 0); nbuckets = l_dnaHashGetCount(dahash2); for (i = 0; i < nsmall; i++) { l_dnaGetDValue(da_small, i, &val); l_dnaFindValByHash(da_big, dahash1, val, &index1); if (index1 >= 0) { /* found */ l_dnaFindValByHash(da_small, dahash2, val, &index2); if (index2 == -1) { /* not found */ l_dnaAddNumber(dad, val); l_hashFloat64ToUint64(nbuckets, val, &key); l_dnaHashAdd(dahash2, key, (l_float64)i); } } } l_dnaHashDestroy(&dahash1); l_dnaHashDestroy(&dahash2); return dad; } /*! * \brief l_dnaFindValByHash() * * \param[in] da * \param[in] dahash containing indices into %da * \param[in] val searching for this number in %da * \param[out] pindex index into da if found; -1 otherwise * \return 0 if OK; 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Algo: hash %val into a key; hash the key to get the dna
 *                in %dahash (that holds indices into %da); traverse
 *                the dna of indices looking for %val in %da.
*/ l_ok l_dnaFindValByHash(L_DNA *da, L_DNAHASH *dahash, l_float64 val, l_int32 *pindex) { l_int32 i, nbuckets, nvals, indexval; l_float64 vali; l_uint64 key; L_DNA *da1; PROCNAME("l_dnaFindValByHash"); if (!pindex) return ERROR_INT("&index not defined", procName, 1); *pindex = -1; if (!da) return ERROR_INT("da not defined", procName, 1); if (!dahash) return ERROR_INT("dahash not defined", procName, 1); nbuckets = l_dnaHashGetCount(dahash); l_hashFloat64ToUint64(nbuckets, val, &key); da1 = l_dnaHashGetDna(dahash, key, L_NOCOPY); if (!da1) return 0; /* Run through da1, looking for this %val */ nvals = l_dnaGetCount(da1); for (i = 0; i < nvals; i++) { l_dnaGetIValue(da1, i, &indexval); l_dnaGetDValue(da, indexval, &vali); if (val == vali) { *pindex = indexval; return 0; } } return 0; }