/*====================================================================* - Copyright (C) 2001 Leptonica. All rights reserved. - - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions - are met: - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above - copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following - disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - provided with the distribution. - - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS - ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT - LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR - A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY - CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, - EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, - PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR - PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY - OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING - NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS - SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *====================================================================*/ /*! * \file ptafunc1.c *
 *      --------------------------------------
 *      This file has these Pta utilities:
 *         - simple rearrangements
 *         - geometric analysis
 *         - min/max and filtering
 *         - least squares fitting
 *         - interconversions with Pix and Numa
 *         - display into a pix
 *      --------------------------------------
 *      Simple rearrangements
 *           PTA      *ptaSubsample()
 *           l_int32   ptaJoin()
 *           l_int32   ptaaJoin()
 *           PTA      *ptaReverse()
 *           PTA      *ptaTranspose()
 *           PTA      *ptaCyclicPerm()
 *           PTA      *ptaSelectRange()
 *      Geometric
 *           BOX      *ptaGetBoundingRegion()
 *           l_int32  *ptaGetRange()
 *           PTA      *ptaGetInsideBox()
 *           PTA      *pixFindCornerPixels()
 *           l_int32   ptaContainsPt()
 *           l_int32   ptaTestIntersection()
 *           PTA      *ptaTransform()
 *           l_int32   ptaPtInsidePolygon()
 *           l_float32 l_angleBetweenVectors()
 *      Min/max and filtering
 *           l_int32   ptaGetMinMax()
 *           PTA      *ptaSelectByValue()
 *           PTA      *ptaCropToMask()
 *      Least Squares Fit
 *           l_int32   ptaGetLinearLSF()
 *           l_int32   ptaGetQuadraticLSF()
 *           l_int32   ptaGetCubicLSF()
 *           l_int32   ptaGetQuarticLSF()
 *           l_int32   ptaNoisyLinearLSF()
 *           l_int32   ptaNoisyQuadraticLSF()
 *           l_int32   applyLinearFit()
 *           l_int32   applyQuadraticFit()
 *           l_int32   applyCubicFit()
 *           l_int32   applyQuarticFit()
 *      Interconversions with Pix
 *           l_int32   pixPlotAlongPta()
 *           PTA      *ptaGetPixelsFromPix()
 *           PIX      *pixGenerateFromPta()
 *           PTA      *ptaGetBoundaryPixels()
 *           PTAA     *ptaaGetBoundaryPixels()
 *           PTAA     *ptaaIndexLabeledPixels()
 *           PTA      *ptaGetNeighborPixLocs()
 *      Interconversion with Numa
 *           PTA      *numaConvertToPta1()
 *           PTA      *numaConvertToPta2()
 *           l_int32   ptaConvertToNuma()
 *      Display Pta and Ptaa
 *           PIX      *pixDisplayPta()
 *           PIX      *pixDisplayPtaaPattern()
 *           PIX      *pixDisplayPtaPattern()
 *           PTA      *ptaReplicatePattern()
 *           PIX      *pixDisplayPtaa()
*/ #include #include "allheaders.h" #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif /* M_PI */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Simple rearrangements * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief ptaSubsample() * * \param[in] ptas * \param[in] subfactor subsample factor, >= 1 * \return ptad evenly sampled pt values from ptas, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaSubsample(PTA *ptas, l_int32 subfactor) { l_int32 n, i; l_float32 x, y; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("pixSubsample"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); if (subfactor < 1) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("subfactor < 1", procName, NULL); ptad = ptaCreate(0); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i % subfactor != 0) continue; ptaGetPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } return ptad; } /*! * \brief ptaJoin() * * \param[in] ptad dest pta; add to this one * \param[in] ptas source pta; add from this one * \param[in] istart starting index in ptas * \param[in] iend ending index in ptas; use -1 to cat all * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) istart < 0 is taken to mean 'read from the start' (istart = 0)
 *      (2) iend < 0 means 'read to the end'
 *      (3) if ptas == NULL, this is a no-op
*/ l_ok ptaJoin(PTA *ptad, PTA *ptas, l_int32 istart, l_int32 iend) { l_int32 n, i, x, y; PROCNAME("ptaJoin"); if (!ptad) return ERROR_INT("ptad not defined", procName, 1); if (!ptas) return 0; if (istart < 0) istart = 0; n = ptaGetCount(ptas); if (iend < 0 || iend >= n) iend = n - 1; if (istart > iend) return ERROR_INT("istart > iend; no pts", procName, 1); for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) { ptaGetIPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaaJoin() * * \param[in] ptaad dest ptaa; add to this one * \param[in] ptaas source ptaa; add from this one * \param[in] istart starting index in ptaas * \param[in] iend ending index in ptaas; use -1 to cat all * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) istart < 0 is taken to mean 'read from the start' (istart = 0)
 *      (2) iend < 0 means 'read to the end'
 *      (3) if ptas == NULL, this is a no-op
*/ l_ok ptaaJoin(PTAA *ptaad, PTAA *ptaas, l_int32 istart, l_int32 iend) { l_int32 n, i; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("ptaaJoin"); if (!ptaad) return ERROR_INT("ptaad not defined", procName, 1); if (!ptaas) return 0; if (istart < 0) istart = 0; n = ptaaGetCount(ptaas); if (iend < 0 || iend >= n) iend = n - 1; if (istart > iend) return ERROR_INT("istart > iend; no pts", procName, 1); for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) { pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaas, i, L_CLONE); ptaaAddPta(ptaad, pta, L_INSERT); } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaReverse() * * \param[in] ptas * \param[in] type 0 for float values; 1 for integer values * \return ptad reversed pta, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaReverse(PTA *ptas, l_int32 type) { l_int32 n, i, ix, iy; l_float32 x, y; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaReverse"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); if ((ptad = ptaCreate(n)) == NULL) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptad not made", procName, NULL); for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (type == 0) { ptaGetPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } else { /* type == 1 */ ptaGetIPt(ptas, i, &ix, &iy); ptaAddPt(ptad, ix, iy); } } return ptad; } /*! * \brief ptaTranspose() * * \param[in] ptas * \return ptad with x and y values swapped, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaTranspose(PTA *ptas) { l_int32 n, i; l_float32 x, y; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaTranspose"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); if ((ptad = ptaCreate(n)) == NULL) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptad not made", procName, NULL); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); ptaAddPt(ptad, y, x); } return ptad; } /*! * \brief ptaCyclicPerm() * * \param[in] ptas * \param[in] xs, ys start point; must be in ptas * \return ptad cyclic permutation, starting and ending at (xs, ys, * or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Check to insure that (a) ptas is a closed path where
 *          the first and last points are identical, and (b) the
 *          resulting pta also starts and ends on the same point
 *          (which in this case is (xs, ys).
*/ PTA * ptaCyclicPerm(PTA *ptas, l_int32 xs, l_int32 ys) { l_int32 n, i, x, y, j, index, state; l_int32 x1, y1, x2, y2; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaCyclicPerm"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); /* Verify input data */ ptaGetIPt(ptas, 0, &x1, &y1); ptaGetIPt(ptas, n - 1, &x2, &y2); if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("start and end pts not same", procName, NULL); state = L_NOT_FOUND; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); if (x == xs && y == ys) { state = L_FOUND; break; } } if (state == L_NOT_FOUND) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("start pt not in ptas", procName, NULL); if ((ptad = ptaCreate(n)) == NULL) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptad not made", procName, NULL); for (j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) { if (i + j < n - 1) index = i + j; else index = (i + j + 1) % n; ptaGetIPt(ptas, index, &x, &y); ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } ptaAddPt(ptad, xs, ys); return ptad; } /*! * \brief ptaSelectRange() * * \param[in] ptas * \param[in] first use 0 to select from the beginning * \param[in] last use -1 to select to the end * \return ptad, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaSelectRange(PTA *ptas, l_int32 first, l_int32 last) { l_int32 n, npt, i; l_float32 x, y; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaSelectRange"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); if ((n = ptaGetCount(ptas)) == 0) { L_WARNING("ptas is empty\n", procName); return ptaCopy(ptas); } first = L_MAX(0, first); if (last < 0) last = n - 1; if (first >= n) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid first", procName, NULL); if (last >= n) { L_WARNING("last = %d is beyond max index = %d; adjusting\n", procName, last, n - 1); last = n - 1; } if (first > last) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("first > last", procName, NULL); npt = last - first + 1; ptad = ptaCreate(npt); for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { ptaGetPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } return ptad; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Geometric * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief ptaGetBoundingRegion() * * \param[in] pta * \return box, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This is used when the pta represents a set of points in
 *          a two-dimensional image.  It returns the box of minimum
 *          size containing the pts in the pta.
*/ BOX * ptaGetBoundingRegion(PTA *pta) { l_int32 n, i, x, y, minx, maxx, miny, maxy; PROCNAME("ptaGetBoundingRegion"); if (!pta) return (BOX *)ERROR_PTR("pta not defined", procName, NULL); minx = 10000000; miny = 10000000; maxx = -10000000; maxy = -10000000; n = ptaGetCount(pta); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < minx) minx = x; if (x > maxx) maxx = x; if (y < miny) miny = y; if (y > maxy) maxy = y; } return boxCreate(minx, miny, maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1); } /*! * \brief ptaGetRange() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pminx [optional] min value of x * \param[out] pmaxx [optional] max value of x * \param[out] pminy [optional] min value of y * \param[out] pmaxy [optional] max value of y * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) We can use pts to represent pairs of floating values, that
 *          are not necessarily tied to a two-dimension region.  For
 *          example, the pts can represent a general function y(x).
*/ l_ok ptaGetRange(PTA *pta, l_float32 *pminx, l_float32 *pmaxx, l_float32 *pminy, l_float32 *pmaxy) { l_int32 n, i; l_float32 x, y, minx, maxx, miny, maxy; PROCNAME("ptaGetRange"); if (!pminx && !pmaxx && !pminy && !pmaxy) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (pminx) *pminx = 0; if (pmaxx) *pmaxx = 0; if (pminy) *pminy = 0; if (pmaxy) *pmaxy = 0; if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) == 0) return ERROR_INT("no points in pta", procName, 1); ptaGetPt(pta, 0, &x, &y); minx = x; maxx = x; miny = y; maxy = y; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < minx) minx = x; if (x > maxx) maxx = x; if (y < miny) miny = y; if (y > maxy) maxy = y; } if (pminx) *pminx = minx; if (pmaxx) *pmaxx = maxx; if (pminy) *pminy = miny; if (pmaxy) *pmaxy = maxy; return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaGetInsideBox() * * \param[in] ptas input pts * \param[in] box * \return ptad of pts in ptas that are inside the box, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaGetInsideBox(PTA *ptas, BOX *box) { PTA *ptad; l_int32 n, i, contains; l_float32 x, y; PROCNAME("ptaGetInsideBox"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); if (!box) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("box not defined", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); ptad = ptaCreate(0); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); boxContainsPt(box, x, y, &contains); if (contains) ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } return ptad; } /*! * \brief pixFindCornerPixels() * * \param[in] pixs 1 bpp * \return pta, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Finds the 4 corner-most pixels, as defined by a search
 *          inward from each corner, using a 45 degree line.
*/ PTA * pixFindCornerPixels(PIX *pixs) { l_int32 i, j, x, y, w, h, wpl, mindim, found; l_uint32 *data, *line; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("pixFindCornerPixels"); if (!pixs) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL); if (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not 1 bpp", procName, NULL); w = pixGetWidth(pixs); h = pixGetHeight(pixs); mindim = L_MIN(w, h); data = pixGetData(pixs); wpl = pixGetWpl(pixs); if ((pta = ptaCreate(4)) == NULL) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pta not made", procName, NULL); for (found = FALSE, i = 0; i < mindim; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { y = i - j; line = data + y * wpl; if (GET_DATA_BIT(line, j)) { ptaAddPt(pta, j, y); found = TRUE; break; } } if (found == TRUE) break; } for (found = FALSE, i = 0; i < mindim; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { y = i - j; line = data + y * wpl; x = w - 1 - j; if (GET_DATA_BIT(line, x)) { ptaAddPt(pta, x, y); found = TRUE; break; } } if (found == TRUE) break; } for (found = FALSE, i = 0; i < mindim; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { y = h - 1 - i + j; line = data + y * wpl; if (GET_DATA_BIT(line, j)) { ptaAddPt(pta, j, y); found = TRUE; break; } } if (found == TRUE) break; } for (found = FALSE, i = 0; i < mindim; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) { y = h - 1 - i + j; line = data + y * wpl; x = w - 1 - j; if (GET_DATA_BIT(line, x)) { ptaAddPt(pta, x, y); found = TRUE; break; } } if (found == TRUE) break; } return pta; } /*! * \brief ptaContainsPt() * * \param[in] pta * \param[in] x, y point * \return 1 if contained, 0 otherwise or on error */ l_int32 ptaContainsPt(PTA *pta, l_int32 x, l_int32 y) { l_int32 i, n, ix, iy; PROCNAME("ptaContainsPt"); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 0); n = ptaGetCount(pta); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &ix, &iy); if (x == ix && y == iy) return 1; } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaTestIntersection() * * \param[in] pta1, pta2 * \return bval which is 1 if they have any elements in common; * 0 otherwise or on error. */ l_int32 ptaTestIntersection(PTA *pta1, PTA *pta2) { l_int32 i, j, n1, n2, x1, y1, x2, y2; PROCNAME("ptaTestIntersection"); if (!pta1) return ERROR_INT("pta1 not defined", procName, 0); if (!pta2) return ERROR_INT("pta2 not defined", procName, 0); n1 = ptaGetCount(pta1); n2 = ptaGetCount(pta2); for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta1, i, &x1, &y1); for (j = 0; j < n2; j++) { ptaGetIPt(pta2, i, &x2, &y2); if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) return 1; } } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaTransform() * * \param[in] ptas * \param[in] shiftx, shifty * \param[in] scalex, scaley * \return pta, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Shift first, then scale.
*/ PTA * ptaTransform(PTA *ptas, l_int32 shiftx, l_int32 shifty, l_float32 scalex, l_float32 scaley) { l_int32 n, i, x, y; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaTransform"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); ptad = ptaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); x = (l_int32)(scalex * (x + shiftx) + 0.5); y = (l_int32)(scaley * (y + shifty) + 0.5); ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } return ptad; } /*! * \brief ptaPtInsidePolygon() * * \param[in] pta vertices of a polygon * \param[in] x, y point to be tested * \param[out] pinside 1 if inside; 0 if outside or on boundary * \return 1 if OK, 0 on error * * The abs value of the sum of the angles subtended from a point by * the sides of a polygon, when taken in order traversing the polygon, * is 0 if the point is outside the polygon and 2*pi if inside. * The sign will be positive if traversed cw and negative if ccw. */ l_int32 ptaPtInsidePolygon(PTA *pta, l_float32 x, l_float32 y, l_int32 *pinside) { l_int32 i, n; l_float32 sum, x1, y1, x2, y2, xp1, yp1, xp2, yp2; PROCNAME("ptaPtInsidePolygon"); if (!pinside) return ERROR_INT("&inside not defined", procName, 1); *pinside = 0; if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); /* Think of (x1,y1) as the end point of a vector that starts * from the origin (0,0), and ditto for (x2,y2). */ n = ptaGetCount(pta); sum = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &xp1, &yp1); ptaGetPt(pta, (i + 1) % n, &xp2, &yp2); x1 = xp1 - x; y1 = yp1 - y; x2 = xp2 - x; y2 = yp2 - y; sum += l_angleBetweenVectors(x1, y1, x2, y2); } if (L_ABS(sum) > M_PI) *pinside = 1; return 0; } /*! * \brief l_angleBetweenVectors() * * \param[in] x1, y1 end point of first vector * \param[in] x2, y2 end point of second vector * \return angle radians, or 0.0 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This gives the angle between two vectors, going between
 *          vector1 (x1,y1) and vector2 (x2,y2).  The angle is swept
 *          out from 1 --> 2.  If this is clockwise, the angle is
 *          positive, but the result is folded into the interval [-pi, pi].
*/ l_float32 l_angleBetweenVectors(l_float32 x1, l_float32 y1, l_float32 x2, l_float32 y2) { l_float64 ang; ang = atan2(y2, x2) - atan2(y1, x1); if (ang > M_PI) ang -= 2.0 * M_PI; if (ang < -M_PI) ang += 2.0 * M_PI; return ang; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Min/max and filtering * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief ptaGetMinMax() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pxmin [optional] min of x * \param[out] pymin [optional] min of y * \param[out] pxmax [optional] max of x * \param[out] pymax [optional] max of y * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error. If pta is empty, requested * values are returned as -1.0. */ l_ok ptaGetMinMax(PTA *pta, l_float32 *pxmin, l_float32 *pymin, l_float32 *pxmax, l_float32 *pymax) { l_int32 i, n; l_float32 x, y, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; PROCNAME("ptaGetMinMax"); if (pxmin) *pxmin = -1.0; if (pymin) *pymin = -1.0; if (pxmax) *pxmax = -1.0; if (pymax) *pymax = -1.0; if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if (!pxmin && !pxmax && !pymin && !pymax) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) == 0) { L_WARNING("pta is empty\n", procName); return 0; } xmin = ymin = 1.0e20; xmax = ymax = -1.0e20; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < xmin) xmin = x; if (y < ymin) ymin = y; if (x > xmax) xmax = x; if (y > ymax) ymax = y; } if (pxmin) *pxmin = xmin; if (pymin) *pymin = ymin; if (pxmax) *pxmax = xmax; if (pymax) *pymax = ymax; return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaSelectByValue() * * \param[in] ptas * \param[in] xth, yth threshold values * \param[in] type L_SELECT_XVAL, L_SELECT_YVAL, * L_SELECT_IF_EITHER, L_SELECT_IF_BOTH * \param[in] relation L_SELECT_IF_LT, L_SELECT_IF_GT, * L_SELECT_IF_LTE, L_SELECT_IF_GTE * \return ptad filtered set, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaSelectByValue(PTA *ptas, l_float32 xth, l_float32 yth, l_int32 type, l_int32 relation) { l_int32 i, n; l_float32 x, y; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaSelectByValue"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); if (ptaGetCount(ptas) == 0) { L_WARNING("ptas is empty\n", procName); return ptaCopy(ptas); } if (type != L_SELECT_XVAL && type != L_SELECT_YVAL && type != L_SELECT_IF_EITHER && type != L_SELECT_IF_BOTH) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL); if (relation != L_SELECT_IF_LT && relation != L_SELECT_IF_GT && relation != L_SELECT_IF_LTE && relation != L_SELECT_IF_GTE) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid relation", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); ptad = ptaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); if (type == L_SELECT_XVAL) { if ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_LT && x < xth) || (relation == L_SELECT_IF_GT && x > xth) || (relation == L_SELECT_IF_LTE && x <= xth) || (relation == L_SELECT_IF_GTE && x >= xth)) ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } else if (type == L_SELECT_YVAL) { if ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_LT && y < yth) || (relation == L_SELECT_IF_GT && y > yth) || (relation == L_SELECT_IF_LTE && y <= yth) || (relation == L_SELECT_IF_GTE && y >= yth)) ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } else if (type == L_SELECT_IF_EITHER) { if (((relation == L_SELECT_IF_LT) && (x < xth || y < yth)) || ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_GT) && (x > xth || y > yth)) || ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_LTE) && (x <= xth || y <= yth)) || ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_GTE) && (x >= xth || y >= yth))) ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } else { /* L_SELECT_IF_BOTH */ if (((relation == L_SELECT_IF_LT) && (x < xth && y < yth)) || ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_GT) && (x > xth && y > yth)) || ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_LTE) && (x <= xth && y <= yth)) || ((relation == L_SELECT_IF_GTE) && (x >= xth && y >= yth))) ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } } return ptad; } /*! * \brief ptaCropToMask() * * \param[in] ptas input pta * \param[in] pixm 1 bpp mask * \return ptad with only pts under the mask fg, or NULL on error */ PTA * ptaCropToMask(PTA *ptas, PIX *pixm) { l_int32 i, n, x, y; l_uint32 val; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaCropToMask"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); if (!pixm || pixGetDepth(pixm) != 1) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pixm undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL); if (ptaGetCount(ptas) == 0) { L_INFO("ptas is empty\n", procName); return ptaCopy(ptas); } n = ptaGetCount(ptas); ptad = ptaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); pixGetPixel(pixm, x, y, &val); if (val == 1) ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } return ptad; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Least Squares Fit * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief ptaGetLinearLSF() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pa [optional] slope a of least square fit: y = ax + b * \param[out] pb [optional] intercept b of least square fit * \param[out] pnafit [optional] numa of least square fit * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Either or both &a and &b must be input.  They determine the
 *          type of line that is fit.
 *      (2) If both &a and &b are defined, this returns a and b that minimize:
 *              sum (yi - axi -b)^2
 *               i
 *          The method is simple: differentiate this expression w/rt a and b,
 *          and solve the resulting two equations for a and b in terms of
 *          various sums over the input data (xi, yi).
 *      (3) We also allow two special cases, where either a = 0 or b = 0:
 *           (a) If &a is given and &b = null, find the linear LSF that
 *               goes through the origin (b = 0).
 *           (b) If &b is given and &a = null, find the linear LSF with
 *               zero slope (a = 0).
 *      (4) If &nafit is defined, this returns an array of fitted values,
 *          corresponding to the two implicit Numa arrays (nax and nay) in pta.
 *          Thus, just as you can plot the data in pta as nay vs. nax,
 *          you can plot the linear least square fit as nafit vs. nax.
 *          Get the nax array using ptaGetArrays(pta, &nax, NULL);
*/ l_ok ptaGetLinearLSF(PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, NUMA **pnafit) { l_int32 n, i; l_float32 a, b, factor, sx, sy, sxx, sxy, val; l_float32 *xa, *ya; PROCNAME("ptaGetLinearLSF"); if (pa) *pa = 0.0; if (pb) *pb = 0.0; if (pnafit) *pnafit = NULL; if (!pa && !pb && !pnafit) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 2) return ERROR_INT("less than 2 pts found", procName, 1); xa = pta->x; /* not a copy */ ya = pta->y; /* not a copy */ sx = sy = sxx = sxy = 0.; if (pa && pb) { /* general line */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { sx += xa[i]; sy += ya[i]; sxx += xa[i] * xa[i]; sxy += xa[i] * ya[i]; } factor = n * sxx - sx * sx; if (factor == 0.0) return ERROR_INT("no solution found", procName, 1); factor = 1. / factor; a = factor * ((l_float32)n * sxy - sx * sy); b = factor * (sxx * sy - sx * sxy); } else if (pa) { /* b = 0; line through origin */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { sxx += xa[i] * xa[i]; sxy += xa[i] * ya[i]; } if (sxx == 0.0) return ERROR_INT("no solution found", procName, 1); a = sxy / sxx; b = 0.0; } else { /* a = 0; horizontal line */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sy += ya[i]; a = 0.0; b = sy / (l_float32)n; } if (pnafit) { *pnafit = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { val = a * xa[i] + b; numaAddNumber(*pnafit, val); } } if (pa) *pa = a; if (pb) *pb = b; return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaGetQuadraticLSF() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pa [optional] coeff a of LSF: y = ax^2 + bx + c * \param[out] pb [optional] coeff b of LSF: y = ax^2 + bx + c * \param[out] pc [optional] coeff c of LSF: y = ax^2 + bx + c * \param[out] pnafit [optional] numa of least square fit * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does a quadratic least square fit to the set of points
 *          in %pta.  That is, it finds coefficients a, b and c that minimize:
 *              sum (yi - a*xi*xi -b*xi -c)^2
 *               i
 *          The method is simple: differentiate this expression w/rt
 *          a, b and c, and solve the resulting three equations for these
 *          coefficients in terms of various sums over the input data (xi, yi).
 *          The three equations are in the form:
 *             f[0][0]a + f[0][1]b + f[0][2]c = g[0]
 *             f[1][0]a + f[1][1]b + f[1][2]c = g[1]
 *             f[2][0]a + f[2][1]b + f[2][2]c = g[2]
 *      (2) If &nafit is defined, this returns an array of fitted values,
 *          corresponding to the two implicit Numa arrays (nax and nay) in pta.
 *          Thus, just as you can plot the data in pta as nay vs. nax,
 *          you can plot the linear least square fit as nafit vs. nax.
 *          Get the nax array using ptaGetArrays(pta, &nax, NULL);
*/ l_ok ptaGetQuadraticLSF(PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, NUMA **pnafit) { l_int32 n, i, ret; l_float32 x, y, sx, sy, sx2, sx3, sx4, sxy, sx2y; l_float32 *xa, *ya; l_float32 *f[3]; l_float32 g[3]; PROCNAME("ptaGetQuadraticLSF"); if (pa) *pa = 0.0; if (pb) *pb = 0.0; if (pc) *pc = 0.0; if (pnafit) *pnafit = NULL; if (!pa && !pb && !pc && !pnafit) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 3) return ERROR_INT("less than 3 pts found", procName, 1); xa = pta->x; /* not a copy */ ya = pta->y; /* not a copy */ sx = sy = sx2 = sx3 = sx4 = sxy = sx2y = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = xa[i]; y = ya[i]; sx += x; sy += y; sx2 += x * x; sx3 += x * x * x; sx4 += x * x * x * x; sxy += x * y; sx2y += x * x * y; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) f[i] = (l_float32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(3, sizeof(l_float32)); f[0][0] = sx4; f[0][1] = sx3; f[0][2] = sx2; f[1][0] = sx3; f[1][1] = sx2; f[1][2] = sx; f[2][0] = sx2; f[2][1] = sx; f[2][2] = n; g[0] = sx2y; g[1] = sxy; g[2] = sy; /* Solve for the unknowns, also putting f-inverse into f */ ret = gaussjordan(f, g, 3); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) LEPT_FREE(f[i]); if (ret) return ERROR_INT("quadratic solution failed", procName, 1); if (pa) *pa = g[0]; if (pb) *pb = g[1]; if (pc) *pc = g[2]; if (pnafit) { *pnafit = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = xa[i]; y = g[0] * x * x + g[1] * x + g[2]; numaAddNumber(*pnafit, y); } } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaGetCubicLSF() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pa [optional] coeff a of LSF: y = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d * \param[out] pb [optional] coeff b of LSF * \param[out] pc [optional] coeff c of LSF * \param[out] pd [optional] coeff d of LSF * \param[out] pnafit [optional] numa of least square fit * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does a cubic least square fit to the set of points
 *          in %pta.  That is, it finds coefficients a, b, c and d
 *          that minimize:
 *              sum (yi - a*xi*xi*xi -b*xi*xi -c*xi - d)^2
 *               i
 *          Differentiate this expression w/rt a, b, c and d, and solve
 *          the resulting four equations for these coefficients in
 *          terms of various sums over the input data (xi, yi).
 *          The four equations are in the form:
 *             f[0][0]a + f[0][1]b + f[0][2]c + f[0][3] = g[0]
 *             f[1][0]a + f[1][1]b + f[1][2]c + f[1][3] = g[1]
 *             f[2][0]a + f[2][1]b + f[2][2]c + f[2][3] = g[2]
 *             f[3][0]a + f[3][1]b + f[3][2]c + f[3][3] = g[3]
 *      (2) If &nafit is defined, this returns an array of fitted values,
 *          corresponding to the two implicit Numa arrays (nax and nay) in pta.
 *          Thus, just as you can plot the data in pta as nay vs. nax,
 *          you can plot the linear least square fit as nafit vs. nax.
 *          Get the nax array using ptaGetArrays(pta, &nax, NULL);
*/ l_ok ptaGetCubicLSF(PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, l_float32 *pd, NUMA **pnafit) { l_int32 n, i, ret; l_float32 x, y, sx, sy, sx2, sx3, sx4, sx5, sx6, sxy, sx2y, sx3y; l_float32 *xa, *ya; l_float32 *f[4]; l_float32 g[4]; PROCNAME("ptaGetCubicLSF"); if (pa) *pa = 0.0; if (pb) *pb = 0.0; if (pc) *pc = 0.0; if (pd) *pd = 0.0; if (pnafit) *pnafit = NULL; if (!pa && !pb && !pc && !pd && !pnafit) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 4) return ERROR_INT("less than 4 pts found", procName, 1); xa = pta->x; /* not a copy */ ya = pta->y; /* not a copy */ sx = sy = sx2 = sx3 = sx4 = sx5 = sx6 = sxy = sx2y = sx3y = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = xa[i]; y = ya[i]; sx += x; sy += y; sx2 += x * x; sx3 += x * x * x; sx4 += x * x * x * x; sx5 += x * x * x * x * x; sx6 += x * x * x * x * x * x; sxy += x * y; sx2y += x * x * y; sx3y += x * x * x * y; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) f[i] = (l_float32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(4, sizeof(l_float32)); f[0][0] = sx6; f[0][1] = sx5; f[0][2] = sx4; f[0][3] = sx3; f[1][0] = sx5; f[1][1] = sx4; f[1][2] = sx3; f[1][3] = sx2; f[2][0] = sx4; f[2][1] = sx3; f[2][2] = sx2; f[2][3] = sx; f[3][0] = sx3; f[3][1] = sx2; f[3][2] = sx; f[3][3] = n; g[0] = sx3y; g[1] = sx2y; g[2] = sxy; g[3] = sy; /* Solve for the unknowns, also putting f-inverse into f */ ret = gaussjordan(f, g, 4); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) LEPT_FREE(f[i]); if (ret) return ERROR_INT("cubic solution failed", procName, 1); if (pa) *pa = g[0]; if (pb) *pb = g[1]; if (pc) *pc = g[2]; if (pd) *pd = g[3]; if (pnafit) { *pnafit = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = xa[i]; y = g[0] * x * x * x + g[1] * x * x + g[2] * x + g[3]; numaAddNumber(*pnafit, y); } } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaGetQuarticLSF() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pa [optional] coeff a of LSF: * y = ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + e * \param[out] pb [optional] coeff b of LSF * \param[out] pc [optional] coeff c of LSF * \param[out] pd [optional] coeff d of LSF * \param[out] pe [optional] coeff e of LSF * \param[out] pnafit [optional] numa of least square fit * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does a quartic least square fit to the set of points
 *          in %pta.  That is, it finds coefficients a, b, c, d and 3
 *          that minimize:
 *              sum (yi - a*xi*xi*xi*xi -b*xi*xi*xi -c*xi*xi - d*xi - e)^2
 *               i
 *          Differentiate this expression w/rt a, b, c, d and e, and solve
 *          the resulting five equations for these coefficients in
 *          terms of various sums over the input data (xi, yi).
 *          The five equations are in the form:
 *             f[0][0]a + f[0][1]b + f[0][2]c + f[0][3] + f[0][4] = g[0]
 *             f[1][0]a + f[1][1]b + f[1][2]c + f[1][3] + f[1][4] = g[1]
 *             f[2][0]a + f[2][1]b + f[2][2]c + f[2][3] + f[2][4] = g[2]
 *             f[3][0]a + f[3][1]b + f[3][2]c + f[3][3] + f[3][4] = g[3]
 *             f[4][0]a + f[4][1]b + f[4][2]c + f[4][3] + f[4][4] = g[4]
 *      (2) If &nafit is defined, this returns an array of fitted values,
 *          corresponding to the two implicit Numa arrays (nax and nay) in pta.
 *          Thus, just as you can plot the data in pta as nay vs. nax,
 *          you can plot the linear least square fit as nafit vs. nax.
 *          Get the nax array using ptaGetArrays(pta, &nax, NULL);
*/ l_ok ptaGetQuarticLSF(PTA *pta, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, l_float32 *pd, l_float32 *pe, NUMA **pnafit) { l_int32 n, i, ret; l_float32 x, y, sx, sy, sx2, sx3, sx4, sx5, sx6, sx7, sx8; l_float32 sxy, sx2y, sx3y, sx4y; l_float32 *xa, *ya; l_float32 *f[5]; l_float32 g[5]; PROCNAME("ptaGetQuarticLSF"); if (pa) *pa = 0.0; if (pb) *pb = 0.0; if (pc) *pc = 0.0; if (pd) *pd = 0.0; if (pe) *pe = 0.0; if (pnafit) *pnafit = NULL; if (!pa && !pb && !pc && !pd && !pe && !pnafit) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 5) return ERROR_INT("less than 5 pts found", procName, 1); xa = pta->x; /* not a copy */ ya = pta->y; /* not a copy */ sx = sy = sx2 = sx3 = sx4 = sx5 = sx6 = sx7 = sx8 = 0; sxy = sx2y = sx3y = sx4y = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = xa[i]; y = ya[i]; sx += x; sy += y; sx2 += x * x; sx3 += x * x * x; sx4 += x * x * x * x; sx5 += x * x * x * x * x; sx6 += x * x * x * x * x * x; sx7 += x * x * x * x * x * x * x; sx8 += x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x; sxy += x * y; sx2y += x * x * y; sx3y += x * x * x * y; sx4y += x * x * x * x * y; } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) f[i] = (l_float32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(5, sizeof(l_float32)); f[0][0] = sx8; f[0][1] = sx7; f[0][2] = sx6; f[0][3] = sx5; f[0][4] = sx4; f[1][0] = sx7; f[1][1] = sx6; f[1][2] = sx5; f[1][3] = sx4; f[1][4] = sx3; f[2][0] = sx6; f[2][1] = sx5; f[2][2] = sx4; f[2][3] = sx3; f[2][4] = sx2; f[3][0] = sx5; f[3][1] = sx4; f[3][2] = sx3; f[3][3] = sx2; f[3][4] = sx; f[4][0] = sx4; f[4][1] = sx3; f[4][2] = sx2; f[4][3] = sx; f[4][4] = n; g[0] = sx4y; g[1] = sx3y; g[2] = sx2y; g[3] = sxy; g[4] = sy; /* Solve for the unknowns, also putting f-inverse into f */ ret = gaussjordan(f, g, 5); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) LEPT_FREE(f[i]); if (ret) return ERROR_INT("quartic solution failed", procName, 1); if (pa) *pa = g[0]; if (pb) *pb = g[1]; if (pc) *pc = g[2]; if (pd) *pd = g[3]; if (pe) *pe = g[4]; if (pnafit) { *pnafit = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = xa[i]; y = g[0] * x * x * x * x + g[1] * x * x * x + g[2] * x * x + g[3] * x + g[4]; numaAddNumber(*pnafit, y); } } return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaNoisyLinearLSF() * * \param[in] pta * \param[in] factor reject outliers with error greater than this * number of medians; typically ~ 3 * \param[out] pptad [optional] with outliers removed * \param[out] pa [optional] slope a of least square fit: y = ax + b * \param[out] pb [optional] intercept b of least square fit * \param[out] pmederr [optional] median error * \param[out] pnafit [optional] numa of least square fit to ptad * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does a linear least square fit to the set of points
 *          in %pta.  It then evaluates the errors and removes points
 *          whose error is >= factor * median_error.  It then re-runs
 *          the linear LSF on the resulting points.
 *      (2) Either or both &a and &b must be input.  They determine the
 *          type of line that is fit.
 *      (3) The median error can give an indication of how good the fit
 *          is likely to be.
*/ l_ok ptaNoisyLinearLSF(PTA *pta, l_float32 factor, PTA **pptad, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pmederr, NUMA **pnafit) { l_int32 n, i, ret; l_float32 x, y, yf, val, mederr; NUMA *nafit, *naerror; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaNoisyLinearLSF"); if (pptad) *pptad = NULL; if (pa) *pa = 0.0; if (pb) *pb = 0.0; if (pmederr) *pmederr = 0.0; if (pnafit) *pnafit = NULL; if (!pptad && !pa && !pb && !pnafit) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if (factor <= 0.0) return ERROR_INT("factor must be > 0.0", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 3) return ERROR_INT("less than 2 pts found", procName, 1); if (ptaGetLinearLSF(pta, pa, pb, &nafit) != 0) return ERROR_INT("error in linear LSF", procName, 1); /* Get the median error */ naerror = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &x, &y); numaGetFValue(nafit, i, &yf); numaAddNumber(naerror, L_ABS(y - yf)); } numaGetMedian(naerror, &mederr); if (pmederr) *pmederr = mederr; numaDestroy(&nafit); /* Remove outliers */ ptad = ptaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &x, &y); numaGetFValue(naerror, i, &val); if (val <= factor * mederr) /* <= in case mederr = 0 */ ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } numaDestroy(&naerror); /* Do LSF again */ ret = ptaGetLinearLSF(ptad, pa, pb, pnafit); if (pptad) *pptad = ptad; else ptaDestroy(&ptad); return ret; } /*! * \brief ptaNoisyQuadraticLSF() * * \param[in] pta * \param[in] factor reject outliers with error greater than this * number of medians; typically ~ 3 * \param[out] pptad [optional] with outliers removed * \param[out] pa [optional] coeff a of LSF: y = ax^2 + bx + c * \param[out] pb [optional] coeff b of LSF: y = ax^2 + bx + c * \param[out] pc [optional] coeff c of LSF: y = ax^2 + bx + c * \param[out] pmederr [optional] median error * \param[out] pnafit [optional] numa of least square fit to ptad * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does a quadratic least square fit to the set of points
 *          in %pta.  It then evaluates the errors and removes points
 *          whose error is >= factor * median_error.  It then re-runs
 *          a quadratic LSF on the resulting points.
*/ l_ok ptaNoisyQuadraticLSF(PTA *pta, l_float32 factor, PTA **pptad, l_float32 *pa, l_float32 *pb, l_float32 *pc, l_float32 *pmederr, NUMA **pnafit) { l_int32 n, i, ret; l_float32 x, y, yf, val, mederr; NUMA *nafit, *naerror; PTA *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaNoisyQuadraticLSF"); if (pptad) *pptad = NULL; if (pa) *pa = 0.0; if (pb) *pb = 0.0; if (pc) *pc = 0.0; if (pmederr) *pmederr = 0.0; if (pnafit) *pnafit = NULL; if (!pptad && !pa && !pb && !pc && !pnafit) return ERROR_INT("no output requested", procName, 1); if (factor <= 0.0) return ERROR_INT("factor must be > 0.0", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if ((n = ptaGetCount(pta)) < 3) return ERROR_INT("less than 3 pts found", procName, 1); if (ptaGetQuadraticLSF(pta, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nafit) != 0) return ERROR_INT("error in quadratic LSF", procName, 1); /* Get the median error */ naerror = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &x, &y); numaGetFValue(nafit, i, &yf); numaAddNumber(naerror, L_ABS(y - yf)); } numaGetMedian(naerror, &mederr); if (pmederr) *pmederr = mederr; numaDestroy(&nafit); /* Remove outliers */ ptad = ptaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &x, &y); numaGetFValue(naerror, i, &val); if (val <= factor * mederr) /* <= in case mederr = 0 */ ptaAddPt(ptad, x, y); } numaDestroy(&naerror); n = ptaGetCount(ptad); if ((n = ptaGetCount(ptad)) < 3) { ptaDestroy(&ptad); return ERROR_INT("less than 3 pts found", procName, 1); } /* Do LSF again */ ret = ptaGetQuadraticLSF(ptad, pa, pb, pc, pnafit); if (pptad) *pptad = ptad; else ptaDestroy(&ptad); return ret; } /*! * \brief applyLinearFit() * * \param[in] a, b linear fit coefficients * \param[in] x * \param[out] py y = a * x + b * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error */ l_ok applyLinearFit(l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py) { PROCNAME("applyLinearFit"); if (!py) return ERROR_INT("&y not defined", procName, 1); *py = a * x + b; return 0; } /*! * \brief applyQuadraticFit() * * \param[in] a, b, c quadratic fit coefficients * \param[in] x * \param[out] py y = a * x^2 + b * x + c * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error */ l_ok applyQuadraticFit(l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 c, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py) { PROCNAME("applyQuadraticFit"); if (!py) return ERROR_INT("&y not defined", procName, 1); *py = a * x * x + b * x + c; return 0; } /*! * \brief applyCubicFit() * * \param[in] a, b, c, d cubic fit coefficients * \param[in] x * \param[out] py y = a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error */ l_ok applyCubicFit(l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 c, l_float32 d, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py) { PROCNAME("applyCubicFit"); if (!py) return ERROR_INT("&y not defined", procName, 1); *py = a * x * x * x + b * x * x + c * x + d; return 0; } /*! * \brief applyQuarticFit() * * \param[in] a, b, c, d, e quartic fit coefficients * \param[in] x * \param[out] py y = a * x^4 + b * x^3 + c * x^2 + d * x + e * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error */ l_ok applyQuarticFit(l_float32 a, l_float32 b, l_float32 c, l_float32 d, l_float32 e, l_float32 x, l_float32 *py) { l_float32 x2; PROCNAME("applyQuarticFit"); if (!py) return ERROR_INT("&y not defined", procName, 1); x2 = x * x; *py = a * x2 * x2 + b * x2 * x + c * x2 + d * x + e; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Interconversions with Pix * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief pixPlotAlongPta() * * \param[in] pixs any depth * \param[in] pta set of points on which to plot * \param[in] outformat GPLOT_PNG, GPLOT_PS, GPLOT_EPS, GPLOT_LATEX * \param[in] title [optional] for plot; can be null * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This is a debugging function.
 *      (2) Removes existing colormaps and clips the pta to the input %pixs.
 *      (3) If the image is RGB, three separate plots are generated.
*/ l_ok pixPlotAlongPta(PIX *pixs, PTA *pta, l_int32 outformat, const char *title) { char buffer[128]; char *rtitle, *gtitle, *btitle; static l_int32 count = 0; /* require separate temp files for each call */ l_int32 i, x, y, d, w, h, npts, rval, gval, bval; l_uint32 val; NUMA *na, *nar, *nag, *nab; PIX *pixt; PROCNAME("pixPlotAlongPta"); lept_mkdir("lept/plot"); if (!pixs) return ERROR_INT("pixs not defined", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); if (outformat != GPLOT_PNG && outformat != GPLOT_PS && outformat != GPLOT_EPS && outformat != GPLOT_LATEX) { L_WARNING("outformat invalid; using GPLOT_PNG\n", procName); outformat = GPLOT_PNG; } pixt = pixRemoveColormap(pixs, REMOVE_CMAP_BASED_ON_SRC); d = pixGetDepth(pixt); w = pixGetWidth(pixt); h = pixGetHeight(pixt); npts = ptaGetCount(pta); if (d == 32) { nar = numaCreate(npts); nag = numaCreate(npts); nab = numaCreate(npts); for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < 0 || x >= w) continue; if (y < 0 || y >= h) continue; pixGetPixel(pixt, x, y, &val); rval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&val, COLOR_RED); gval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&val, COLOR_GREEN); bval = GET_DATA_BYTE(&val, COLOR_BLUE); numaAddNumber(nar, rval); numaAddNumber(nag, gval); numaAddNumber(nab, bval); } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/tmp/lept/plot/%03d", count++); rtitle = stringJoin("Red: ", title); gplotSimple1(nar, outformat, buffer, rtitle); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/tmp/lept/plot/%03d", count++); gtitle = stringJoin("Green: ", title); gplotSimple1(nag, outformat, buffer, gtitle); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/tmp/lept/plot/%03d", count++); btitle = stringJoin("Blue: ", title); gplotSimple1(nab, outformat, buffer, btitle); numaDestroy(&nar); numaDestroy(&nag); numaDestroy(&nab); LEPT_FREE(rtitle); LEPT_FREE(gtitle); LEPT_FREE(btitle); } else { na = numaCreate(npts); for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < 0 || x >= w) continue; if (y < 0 || y >= h) continue; pixGetPixel(pixt, x, y, &val); numaAddNumber(na, (l_float32)val); } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/tmp/lept/plot/%03d", count++); gplotSimple1(na, outformat, buffer, title); numaDestroy(&na); } pixDestroy(&pixt); return 0; } /*! * \brief ptaGetPixelsFromPix() * * \param[in] pixs 1 bpp * \param[in] box [optional] can be null * \return pta, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Generates a pta of fg pixels in the pix, within the box.
 *          If box == NULL, it uses the entire pix.
*/ PTA * ptaGetPixelsFromPix(PIX *pixs, BOX *box) { l_int32 i, j, w, h, wpl, xstart, xend, ystart, yend, bw, bh; l_uint32 *data, *line; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("ptaGetPixelsFromPix"); if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL); pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL); data = pixGetData(pixs); wpl = pixGetWpl(pixs); xstart = ystart = 0; xend = w - 1; yend = h - 1; if (box) { boxGetGeometry(box, &xstart, &ystart, &bw, &bh); xend = xstart + bw - 1; yend = ystart + bh - 1; } if ((pta = ptaCreate(0)) == NULL) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pta not made", procName, NULL); for (i = ystart; i <= yend; i++) { line = data + i * wpl; for (j = xstart; j <= xend; j++) { if (GET_DATA_BIT(line, j)) ptaAddPt(pta, j, i); } } return pta; } /*! * \brief pixGenerateFromPta() * * \param[in] pta * \param[in] w, h of pix * \return pix 1 bpp, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Points are rounded to nearest ints.
 *      (2) Any points outside (w,h) are silently discarded.
 *      (3) Output 1 bpp pix has values 1 for each point in the pta.
*/ PIX * pixGenerateFromPta(PTA *pta, l_int32 w, l_int32 h) { l_int32 n, i, x, y; PIX *pix; PROCNAME("pixGenerateFromPta"); if (!pta) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pta not defined", procName, NULL); if ((pix = pixCreate(w, h, 1)) == NULL) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pix not made", procName, NULL); n = ptaGetCount(pta); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h) continue; pixSetPixel(pix, x, y, 1); } return pix; } /*! * \brief ptaGetBoundaryPixels() * * \param[in] pixs 1 bpp * \param[in] type L_BOUNDARY_FG, L_BOUNDARY_BG * \return pta, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This generates a pta of either fg or bg boundary pixels.
 *      (2) See also pixGeneratePtaBoundary() for rendering of
 *          fg boundary pixels.
*/ PTA * ptaGetBoundaryPixels(PIX *pixs, l_int32 type) { PIX *pixt; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("ptaGetBoundaryPixels"); if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL); if (type != L_BOUNDARY_FG && type != L_BOUNDARY_BG) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL); if (type == L_BOUNDARY_FG) pixt = pixMorphSequence(pixs, "e3.3", 0); else pixt = pixMorphSequence(pixs, "d3.3", 0); pixXor(pixt, pixt, pixs); pta = ptaGetPixelsFromPix(pixt, NULL); pixDestroy(&pixt); return pta; } /*! * \brief ptaaGetBoundaryPixels() * * \param[in] pixs 1 bpp * \param[in] type L_BOUNDARY_FG, L_BOUNDARY_BG * \param[in] connectivity 4 or 8 * \param[out] pboxa [optional] bounding boxes of the c.c. * \param[out] ppixa [optional] pixa of the c.c. * \return ptaa, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This generates a ptaa of either fg or bg boundary pixels,
 *          where each pta has the boundary pixels for a connected
 *          component.
 *      (2) We can't simply find all the boundary pixels and then select
 *          those within the bounding box of each component, because
 *          bounding boxes can overlap.  It is necessary to extract and
 *          dilate or erode each component separately.  Note also that
 *          special handling is required for bg pixels when the
 *          component touches the pix boundary.
*/ PTAA * ptaaGetBoundaryPixels(PIX *pixs, l_int32 type, l_int32 connectivity, BOXA **pboxa, PIXA **ppixa) { l_int32 i, n, w, h, x, y, bw, bh, left, right, top, bot; BOXA *boxa; PIX *pixt1, *pixt2; PIXA *pixa; PTA *pta1, *pta2; PTAA *ptaa; PROCNAME("ptaaGetBoundaryPixels"); if (pboxa) *pboxa = NULL; if (ppixa) *ppixa = NULL; if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 1)) return (PTAA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undefined or not 1 bpp", procName, NULL); if (type != L_BOUNDARY_FG && type != L_BOUNDARY_BG) return (PTAA *)ERROR_PTR("invalid type", procName, NULL); if (connectivity != 4 && connectivity != 8) return (PTAA *)ERROR_PTR("connectivity not 4 or 8", procName, NULL); pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL); boxa = pixConnComp(pixs, &pixa, connectivity); n = boxaGetCount(boxa); ptaa = ptaaCreate(0); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pixt1 = pixaGetPix(pixa, i, L_CLONE); boxaGetBoxGeometry(boxa, i, &x, &y, &bw, &bh); left = right = top = bot = 0; if (type == L_BOUNDARY_BG) { if (x > 0) left = 1; if (y > 0) top = 1; if (x + bw < w) right = 1; if (y + bh < h) bot = 1; pixt2 = pixAddBorderGeneral(pixt1, left, right, top, bot, 0); } else { pixt2 = pixClone(pixt1); } pta1 = ptaGetBoundaryPixels(pixt2, type); pta2 = ptaTransform(pta1, x - left, y - top, 1.0, 1.0); ptaaAddPta(ptaa, pta2, L_INSERT); ptaDestroy(&pta1); pixDestroy(&pixt1); pixDestroy(&pixt2); } if (pboxa) *pboxa = boxa; else boxaDestroy(&boxa); if (ppixa) *ppixa = pixa; else pixaDestroy(&pixa); return ptaa; } /*! * \brief ptaaIndexLabeledPixels() * * \param[in] pixs 32 bpp, of indices of c.c. * \param[out] pncc [optional] number of connected components * \return ptaa, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) The pixel values in %pixs are the index of the connected component
 *          to which the pixel belongs; %pixs is typically generated from
 *          a 1 bpp pix by pixConnCompTransform().  Background pixels in
 *          the generating 1 bpp pix are represented in %pixs by 0.
 *          We do not check that the pixel values are correctly labelled.
 *      (2) Each pta in the returned ptaa gives the pixel locations
 *          correspnding to a connected component, with the label of each
 *          given by the index of the pta into the ptaa.
 *      (3) Initialize with the first pta in ptaa being empty and
 *          representing the background value (index 0) in the pix.
*/ PTAA * ptaaIndexLabeledPixels(PIX *pixs, l_int32 *pncc) { l_int32 wpl, index, i, j, w, h; l_uint32 maxval; l_uint32 *data, *line; PTA *pta; PTAA *ptaa; PROCNAME("ptaaIndexLabeledPixels"); if (pncc) *pncc = 0; if (!pixs || (pixGetDepth(pixs) != 32)) return (PTAA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs undef or not 32 bpp", procName, NULL); /* The number of c.c. is the maximum pixel value. Use this to * initialize ptaa with sufficient pta arrays */ pixGetMaxValueInRect(pixs, NULL, &maxval, NULL, NULL); if (pncc) *pncc = maxval; pta = ptaCreate(1); ptaa = ptaaCreate(maxval + 1); ptaaInitFull(ptaa, pta); ptaDestroy(&pta); /* Sweep over %pixs, saving the pixel coordinates of each pixel * with nonzero value in the appropriate pta, indexed by that value. */ pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL); data = pixGetData(pixs); wpl = pixGetWpl(pixs); for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { line = data + wpl * i; for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { index = line[j]; if (index > 0) ptaaAddPt(ptaa, index, j, i); } } return ptaa; } /*! * \brief ptaGetNeighborPixLocs() * * \param[in] pixs any depth * \param[in] x, y pixel from which we search for nearest neighbors * \param[in] conn 4 or 8 connectivity * \return pta, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) Generates a pta of all valid neighbor pixel locations,
 *          or NULL on error.
*/ PTA * ptaGetNeighborPixLocs(PIX *pixs, l_int32 x, l_int32 y, l_int32 conn) { l_int32 w, h; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("ptaGetNeighborPixLocs"); if (!pixs) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL); pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL); if (x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("(x,y) not in pixs", procName, NULL); if (conn != 4 && conn != 8) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("conn not 4 or 8", procName, NULL); pta = ptaCreate(conn); if (x > 0) ptaAddPt(pta, x - 1, y); if (x < w - 1) ptaAddPt(pta, x + 1, y); if (y > 0) ptaAddPt(pta, x, y - 1); if (y < h - 1) ptaAddPt(pta, x, y + 1); if (conn == 8) { if (x > 0) { if (y > 0) ptaAddPt(pta, x - 1, y - 1); if (y < h - 1) ptaAddPt(pta, x - 1, y + 1); } if (x < w - 1) { if (y > 0) ptaAddPt(pta, x + 1, y - 1); if (y < h - 1) ptaAddPt(pta, x + 1, y + 1); } } return pta; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Interconversion with Numa * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief numaConvertToPta1() * * \param[in] na numa with implicit y(x) * \return pta if OK; null on error */ PTA * numaConvertToPta1(NUMA *na) { l_int32 i, n; l_float32 startx, delx, val; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("numaConvertToPta1"); if (!na) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("na not defined", procName, NULL); n = numaGetCount(na); pta = ptaCreate(n); numaGetParameters(na, &startx, &delx); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { numaGetFValue(na, i, &val); ptaAddPt(pta, startx + i * delx, val); } return pta; } /*! * \brief numaConvertToPta2() * * \param[in] nax * \param[in] nay * \return pta if OK; null on error */ PTA * numaConvertToPta2(NUMA *nax, NUMA *nay) { l_int32 i, n, nx, ny; l_float32 valx, valy; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("numaConvertToPta2"); if (!nax || !nay) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("nax and nay not both defined", procName, NULL); nx = numaGetCount(nax); ny = numaGetCount(nay); n = L_MIN(nx, ny); if (nx != ny) L_WARNING("nx = %d does not equal ny = %d\n", procName, nx, ny); pta = ptaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { numaGetFValue(nax, i, &valx); numaGetFValue(nay, i, &valy); ptaAddPt(pta, valx, valy); } return pta; } /*! * \brief ptaConvertToNuma() * * \param[in] pta * \param[out] pnax addr of nax * \param[out] pnay addr of nay * \return 0 if OK, 1 on error */ l_ok ptaConvertToNuma(PTA *pta, NUMA **pnax, NUMA **pnay) { l_int32 i, n; l_float32 valx, valy; PROCNAME("ptaConvertToNuma"); if (pnax) *pnax = NULL; if (pnay) *pnay = NULL; if (!pnax || !pnay) return ERROR_INT("&nax and &nay not both defined", procName, 1); if (!pta) return ERROR_INT("pta not defined", procName, 1); n = ptaGetCount(pta); *pnax = numaCreate(n); *pnay = numaCreate(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetPt(pta, i, &valx, &valy); numaAddNumber(*pnax, valx); numaAddNumber(*pnay, valy); } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Display Pta and Ptaa * *---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * \brief pixDisplayPta() * * \param[in] pixd can be same as pixs or NULL; 32 bpp if in-place * \param[in] pixs 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bpp * \param[in] pta of path to be plotted * \return pixd 32 bpp RGB version of pixs, with path in green. * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) To write on an existing pixs, pixs must be 32 bpp and
 *          call with pixd == pixs:
 *             pixDisplayPta(pixs, pixs, pta);
 *          To write to a new pix, use pixd == NULL and call:
 *             pixd = pixDisplayPta(NULL, pixs, pta);
 *      (2) On error, returns pixd to avoid losing pixs if called as
 *             pixs = pixDisplayPta(pixs, pixs, pta);
*/ PIX * pixDisplayPta(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PTA *pta) { l_int32 i, n, w, h, x, y; l_uint32 rpixel, gpixel, bpixel; PROCNAME("pixDisplayPta"); if (!pixs) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, pixd); if (!pta) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pta not defined", procName, pixd); if (pixd && (pixd != pixs || pixGetDepth(pixd) != 32)) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid pixd", procName, pixd); if (!pixd) pixd = pixConvertTo32(pixs); pixGetDimensions(pixd, &w, &h, NULL); composeRGBPixel(255, 0, 0, &rpixel); /* start point */ composeRGBPixel(0, 255, 0, &gpixel); composeRGBPixel(0, 0, 255, &bpixel); /* end point */ n = ptaGetCount(pta); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, i, &x, &y); if (x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h) continue; if (i == 0) pixSetPixel(pixd, x, y, rpixel); else if (i < n - 1) pixSetPixel(pixd, x, y, gpixel); else pixSetPixel(pixd, x, y, bpixel); } return pixd; } /*! * \brief pixDisplayPtaaPattern() * * \param[in] pixd 32 bpp * \param[in] pixs 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bpp; 32 bpp if in place * \param[in] ptaa giving locations at which the pattern is displayed * \param[in] pixp 1 bpp pattern to be placed such that its reference * point co-locates with each point in pta * \param[in] cx, cy reference point in pattern * \return pixd 32 bpp RGB version of pixs. * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) To write on an existing pixs, pixs must be 32 bpp and
 *          call with pixd == pixs:
 *             pixDisplayPtaPattern(pixs, pixs, pta, ...);
 *          To write to a new pix, use pixd == NULL and call:
 *             pixd = pixDisplayPtaPattern(NULL, pixs, pta, ...);
 *      (2) Puts a random color on each pattern associated with a pta.
 *      (3) On error, returns pixd to avoid losing pixs if called as
 *             pixs = pixDisplayPtaPattern(pixs, pixs, pta, ...);
 *      (4) A typical pattern to be used is a circle, generated with
 *             generatePtaFilledCircle()
*/ PIX * pixDisplayPtaaPattern(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PTAA *ptaa, PIX *pixp, l_int32 cx, l_int32 cy) { l_int32 i, n; l_uint32 color; PIXCMAP *cmap; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("pixDisplayPtaaPattern"); if (!pixs) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, pixd); if (!ptaa) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("ptaa not defined", procName, pixd); if (pixd && (pixd != pixs || pixGetDepth(pixd) != 32)) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid pixd", procName, pixd); if (!pixp) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixp not defined", procName, pixd); if (!pixd) pixd = pixConvertTo32(pixs); /* Use 256 random colors */ cmap = pixcmapCreateRandom(8, 0, 0); n = ptaaGetCount(ptaa); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pixcmapGetColor32(cmap, i % 256, &color); pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa, i, L_CLONE); pixDisplayPtaPattern(pixd, pixd, pta, pixp, cx, cy, color); ptaDestroy(&pta); } pixcmapDestroy(&cmap); return pixd; } /*! * \brief pixDisplayPtaPattern() * * \param[in] pixd can be same as pixs or NULL; 32 bpp if in-place * \param[in] pixs 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bpp * \param[in] pta giving locations at which the pattern is displayed * \param[in] pixp 1 bpp pattern to be placed such that its reference * point co-locates with each point in pta * \param[in] cx, cy reference point in pattern * \param[in] color in 0xrrggbb00 format * \return pixd 32 bpp RGB version of pixs. * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) To write on an existing pixs, pixs must be 32 bpp and
 *          call with pixd == pixs:
 *             pixDisplayPtaPattern(pixs, pixs, pta, ...);
 *          To write to a new pix, use pixd == NULL and call:
 *             pixd = pixDisplayPtaPattern(NULL, pixs, pta, ...);
 *      (2) On error, returns pixd to avoid losing pixs if called as
 *             pixs = pixDisplayPtaPattern(pixs, pixs, pta, ...);
 *      (3) A typical pattern to be used is a circle, generated with
 *             generatePtaFilledCircle()
*/ PIX * pixDisplayPtaPattern(PIX *pixd, PIX *pixs, PTA *pta, PIX *pixp, l_int32 cx, l_int32 cy, l_uint32 color) { l_int32 i, n, w, h, x, y; PTA *ptat; PROCNAME("pixDisplayPtaPattern"); if (!pixs) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, pixd); if (!pta) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pta not defined", procName, pixd); if (pixd && (pixd != pixs || pixGetDepth(pixd) != 32)) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("invalid pixd", procName, pixd); if (!pixp) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixp not defined", procName, pixd); if (!pixd) pixd = pixConvertTo32(pixs); pixGetDimensions(pixs, &w, &h, NULL); ptat = ptaReplicatePattern(pta, pixp, NULL, cx, cy, w, h); n = ptaGetCount(ptat); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(ptat, i, &x, &y); if (x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h) continue; pixSetPixel(pixd, x, y, color); } ptaDestroy(&ptat); return pixd; } /*! * \brief ptaReplicatePattern() * * \param[in] ptas "sparse" input pta * \param[in] pixp [optional] 1 bpp pattern, to be replicated * in output pta * \param[in] ptap [optional] set of pts, to be replicated in output pta * \param[in] cx, cy reference point in pattern * \param[in] w, h clipping sizes for output pta * \return ptad with all points of replicated pattern, or NULL on error * *
 * Notes:
 *      (1) You can use either the image %pixp or the set of pts %ptap.
 *      (2) The pattern is placed with its reference point at each point
 *          in ptas, and all the fg pixels are colleced into ptad.
 *          For %pixp, this is equivalent to blitting pixp at each point
 *          in ptas, and then converting the resulting pix to a pta.
*/ PTA * ptaReplicatePattern(PTA *ptas, PIX *pixp, PTA *ptap, l_int32 cx, l_int32 cy, l_int32 w, l_int32 h) { l_int32 i, j, n, np, x, y, xp, yp, xf, yf; PTA *ptat, *ptad; PROCNAME("ptaReplicatePattern"); if (!ptas) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("ptas not defined", procName, NULL); if (!pixp && !ptap) return (PTA *)ERROR_PTR("no pattern is defined", procName, NULL); if (pixp && ptap) L_WARNING("pixp and ptap defined; using ptap\n", procName); n = ptaGetCount(ptas); ptad = ptaCreate(n); if (ptap) ptat = ptaClone(ptap); else ptat = ptaGetPixelsFromPix(pixp, NULL); np = ptaGetCount(ptat); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ptaGetIPt(ptas, i, &x, &y); for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { ptaGetIPt(ptat, j, &xp, &yp); xf = x - cx + xp; yf = y - cy + yp; if (xf >= 0 && xf < w && yf >= 0 && yf < h) ptaAddPt(ptad, xf, yf); } } ptaDestroy(&ptat); return ptad; } /*! * \brief pixDisplayPtaa() * * \param[in] pixs 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bpp * \param[in] ptaa array of paths to be plotted * \return pixd 32 bpp RGB version of pixs, with paths plotted * in different colors, or NULL on error */ PIX * pixDisplayPtaa(PIX *pixs, PTAA *ptaa) { l_int32 i, j, w, h, npta, npt, x, y, rv, gv, bv; l_uint32 *pixela; NUMA *na1, *na2, *na3; PIX *pixd; PTA *pta; PROCNAME("pixDisplayPtaa"); if (!pixs) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL); if (!ptaa) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("ptaa not defined", procName, NULL); npta = ptaaGetCount(ptaa); if (npta == 0) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("no pta", procName, NULL); if ((pixd = pixConvertTo32(pixs)) == NULL) return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixd not made", procName, NULL); pixGetDimensions(pixd, &w, &h, NULL); /* Make a colormap for the paths */ if ((pixela = (l_uint32 *)LEPT_CALLOC(npta, sizeof(l_uint32))) == NULL) { pixDestroy(&pixd); return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("calloc fail for pixela", procName, NULL); } na1 = numaPseudorandomSequence(256, 14657); na2 = numaPseudorandomSequence(256, 34631); na3 = numaPseudorandomSequence(256, 54617); for (i = 0; i < npta; i++) { numaGetIValue(na1, i % 256, &rv); numaGetIValue(na2, i % 256, &gv); numaGetIValue(na3, i % 256, &bv); composeRGBPixel(rv, gv, bv, &pixela[i]); } numaDestroy(&na1); numaDestroy(&na2); numaDestroy(&na3); for (i = 0; i < npta; i++) { pta = ptaaGetPta(ptaa, i, L_CLONE); npt = ptaGetCount(pta); for (j = 0; j < npt; j++) { ptaGetIPt(pta, j, &x, &y); if (x < 0 || x >= w || y < 0 || y >= h) continue; pixSetPixel(pixd, x, y, pixela[i]); } ptaDestroy(&pta); } LEPT_FREE(pixela); return pixd; }