
391 lines
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// File: ltrresultiterator.cpp
// Description: Iterator for tesseract results in strict left-to-right
// order that avoids using tesseract internal data structures.
// Author: Ray Smith
// Created: Fri Feb 26 14:32:09 PST 2010
// (C) Copyright 2010, Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "ltrresultiterator.h"
#include "allheaders.h"
#include "pageres.h"
#include "strngs.h"
#include "tesseractclass.h"
namespace tesseract {
LTRResultIterator::LTRResultIterator(PAGE_RES* page_res, Tesseract* tesseract,
int scale, int scaled_yres,
int rect_left, int rect_top,
int rect_width, int rect_height)
: PageIterator(page_res, tesseract, scale, scaled_yres,
rect_left, rect_top, rect_width, rect_height),
paragraph_separator_("\n") {
LTRResultIterator::~LTRResultIterator() {
// Returns the null terminated UTF-8 encoded text string for the current
// object at the given level. Use delete [] to free after use.
char* LTRResultIterator::GetUTF8Text(PageIteratorLevel level) const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return NULL; // Already at the end!
STRING text;
PAGE_RES_IT res_it(*it_);
WERD_CHOICE* best_choice = res_it.word()->best_choice;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
if (level == RIL_SYMBOL) {
text = res_it.word()->BestUTF8(blob_index_, false);
else if (level == RIL_WORD) {
text = best_choice->unichar_string();
else {
bool eol = false; // end of line?
bool eop = false; // end of paragraph?
do { // for each paragraph in a block
do { // for each text line in a paragraph
do { // for each word in a text line
best_choice = res_it.word()->best_choice;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
text += best_choice->unichar_string();
text += " ";
eol = res_it.row() != res_it.prev_row();
} while (!eol);
text.truncate_at(text.length() - 1);
text += line_separator_;
eop = res_it.block() != res_it.prev_block() ||
res_it.row()->row->para() != res_it.prev_row()->row->para();
} while (level != RIL_TEXTLINE && !eop);
if (eop) text += paragraph_separator_;
} while (level == RIL_BLOCK && res_it.block() == res_it.prev_block());
int length = text.length() + 1;
char* result = new char[length];
strncpy(result, text.string(), length);
return result;
// Set the string inserted at the end of each text line. "\n" by default.
void LTRResultIterator::SetLineSeparator(const char *new_line) {
line_separator_ = new_line;
// Set the string inserted at the end of each paragraph. "\n" by default.
void LTRResultIterator::SetParagraphSeparator(const char *new_para) {
paragraph_separator_ = new_para;
// Returns the mean confidence of the current object at the given level.
// The number should be interpreted as a percent probability. (0.0f-100.0f)
float LTRResultIterator::Confidence(PageIteratorLevel level) const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return 0.0f; // Already at the end!
float mean_certainty = 0.0f;
int certainty_count = 0;
PAGE_RES_IT res_it(*it_);
WERD_CHOICE* best_choice = res_it.word()->best_choice;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
switch (level) {
do {
best_choice = res_it.word()->best_choice;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
mean_certainty += best_choice->certainty();
} while (res_it.block() == res_it.prev_block());
case RIL_PARA:
do {
best_choice = res_it.word()->best_choice;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
mean_certainty += best_choice->certainty();
} while (res_it.block() == res_it.prev_block() &&
res_it.row()->row->para() == res_it.prev_row()->row->para());
do {
best_choice = res_it.word()->best_choice;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
mean_certainty += best_choice->certainty();
} while (res_it.row() == res_it.prev_row());
case RIL_WORD:
mean_certainty += best_choice->certainty();
mean_certainty += best_choice->certainty(blob_index_);
if (certainty_count > 0) {
mean_certainty /= certainty_count;
float confidence = 100 + 5 * mean_certainty;
if (confidence < 0.0f) confidence = 0.0f;
if (confidence > 100.0f) confidence = 100.0f;
return confidence;
return 0.0f;
void LTRResultIterator::RowAttributes(float* row_height, float* descenders,
float* ascenders) const {
*row_height = it_->row()->row->x_height() + it_->row()->row->ascenders() -
*descenders = it_->row()->row->descenders();
*ascenders = it_->row()->row->ascenders();
// Returns the font attributes of the current word. If iterating at a higher
// level object than words, eg textlines, then this will return the
// attributes of the first word in that textline.
// The actual return value is a string representing a font name. It points
// to an internal table and SHOULD NOT BE DELETED. Lifespan is the same as
// the iterator itself, ie rendered invalid by various members of
// TessBaseAPI, including Init, SetImage, End or deleting the TessBaseAPI.
// Pointsize is returned in printers points (1/72 inch.)
const char* LTRResultIterator::WordFontAttributes(bool* is_bold,
bool* is_italic,
bool* is_underlined,
bool* is_monospace,
bool* is_serif,
bool* is_smallcaps,
int* pointsize,
int* font_id) const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return NULL; // Already at the end!
if (it_->word()->fontinfo == NULL) {
*font_id = -1;
return NULL; // No font information.
const FontInfo& font_info = *it_->word()->fontinfo;
*font_id = font_info.universal_id;
*is_bold = font_info.is_bold();
*is_italic = font_info.is_italic();
*is_underlined = false; // TODO(rays) fix this!
*is_monospace = font_info.is_fixed_pitch();
*is_serif = font_info.is_serif();
*is_smallcaps = it_->word()->small_caps;
float row_height = it_->row()->row->x_height() +
it_->row()->row->ascenders() - it_->row()->row->descenders();
// Convert from pixels to printers points.
*pointsize = scaled_yres_ > 0
? static_cast<int>(row_height * kPointsPerInch / scaled_yres_ + 0.5)
: 0;
// Returns the name of the language used to recognize this word.
const char* LTRResultIterator::WordRecognitionLanguage() const {
if (it_->word() == NULL || it_->word()->tesseract == NULL) return NULL;
return it_->word()->tesseract->lang.string();
// Return the overall directionality of this word.
StrongScriptDirection LTRResultIterator::WordDirection() const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return DIR_NEUTRAL;
bool has_rtl = it_->word()->AnyRtlCharsInWord();
bool has_ltr = it_->word()->AnyLtrCharsInWord();
if (has_rtl && !has_ltr)
if (has_ltr && !has_rtl)
if (!has_ltr && !has_rtl)
return DIR_MIX;
// Returns true if the current word was found in a dictionary.
bool LTRResultIterator::WordIsFromDictionary() const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return false; // Already at the end!
int permuter = it_->word()->best_choice->permuter();
return permuter == SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM || permuter == FREQ_DAWG_PERM ||
permuter == USER_DAWG_PERM;
// Returns true if the current word is numeric.
bool LTRResultIterator::WordIsNumeric() const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return false; // Already at the end!
int permuter = it_->word()->best_choice->permuter();
return permuter == NUMBER_PERM;
// Returns true if the word contains blamer information.
bool LTRResultIterator::HasBlamerInfo() const {
return it_->word() != NULL && it_->word()->blamer_bundle != NULL &&
// Returns the pointer to ParamsTrainingBundle stored in the BlamerBundle
// of the current word.
const void *LTRResultIterator::GetParamsTrainingBundle() const {
return (it_->word() != NULL && it_->word()->blamer_bundle != NULL) ?
&(it_->word()->blamer_bundle->params_training_bundle()) : NULL;
// Returns the pointer to the string with blamer information for this word.
// Assumes that the word's blamer_bundle is not NULL.
const char *LTRResultIterator::GetBlamerDebug() const {
return it_->word()->blamer_bundle->debug().string();
// Returns the pointer to the string with misadaption information for this word.
// Assumes that the word's blamer_bundle is not NULL.
const char *LTRResultIterator::GetBlamerMisadaptionDebug() const {
return it_->word()->blamer_bundle->misadaption_debug().string();
// Returns true if a truth string was recorded for the current word.
bool LTRResultIterator::HasTruthString() const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return false; // Already at the end!
if (it_->word()->blamer_bundle == NULL ||
it_->word()->blamer_bundle->NoTruth()) {
return false; // no truth information for this word
return true;
// Returns true if the given string is equivalent to the truth string for
// the current word.
bool LTRResultIterator::EquivalentToTruth(const char *str) const {
if (!HasTruthString()) return false;
ASSERT_HOST(it_->word()->uch_set != NULL);
WERD_CHOICE str_wd(str, *(it_->word()->uch_set));
return it_->word()->blamer_bundle->ChoiceIsCorrect(&str_wd);
// Returns the null terminated UTF-8 encoded truth string for the current word.
// Use delete [] to free after use.
char* LTRResultIterator::WordTruthUTF8Text() const {
if (!HasTruthString()) return NULL;
STRING truth_text = it_->word()->blamer_bundle->TruthString();
int length = truth_text.length() + 1;
char* result = new char[length];
strncpy(result, truth_text.string(), length);
return result;
// Returns the null terminated UTF-8 encoded normalized OCR string for the
// current word. Use delete [] to free after use.
char* LTRResultIterator::WordNormedUTF8Text() const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return NULL; // Already at the end!
STRING ocr_text;
WERD_CHOICE* best_choice = it_->word()->best_choice;
const UNICHARSET *unicharset = it_->word()->uch_set;
ASSERT_HOST(best_choice != NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < best_choice->length(); ++i) {
ocr_text += unicharset->get_normed_unichar(best_choice->unichar_id(i));
int length = ocr_text.length() + 1;
char* result = new char[length];
strncpy(result, ocr_text.string(), length);
return result;
// Returns a pointer to serialized choice lattice.
// Fills lattice_size with the number of bytes in lattice data.
const char *LTRResultIterator::WordLattice(int *lattice_size) const {
if (it_->word() == NULL) return NULL; // Already at the end!
if (it_->word()->blamer_bundle == NULL) return NULL;
*lattice_size = it_->word()->blamer_bundle->lattice_size();
return it_->word()->blamer_bundle->lattice_data();
// Returns true if the current symbol is a superscript.
// If iterating at a higher level object than symbols, eg words, then
// this will return the attributes of the first symbol in that word.
bool LTRResultIterator::SymbolIsSuperscript() const {
if (cblob_it_ == NULL && it_->word() != NULL)
return it_->word()->best_choice->BlobPosition(blob_index_) ==
return false;
// Returns true if the current symbol is a subscript.
// If iterating at a higher level object than symbols, eg words, then
// this will return the attributes of the first symbol in that word.
bool LTRResultIterator::SymbolIsSubscript() const {
if (cblob_it_ == NULL && it_->word() != NULL)
return it_->word()->best_choice->BlobPosition(blob_index_) == SP_SUBSCRIPT;
return false;
// Returns true if the current symbol is a dropcap.
// If iterating at a higher level object than symbols, eg words, then
// this will return the attributes of the first symbol in that word.
bool LTRResultIterator::SymbolIsDropcap() const {
if (cblob_it_ == NULL && it_->word() != NULL)
return it_->word()->best_choice->BlobPosition(blob_index_) == SP_DROPCAP;
return false;
ChoiceIterator::ChoiceIterator(const LTRResultIterator& result_it) {
ASSERT_HOST(result_it.it_->word() != NULL);
word_res_ = result_it.it_->word();
if (word_res_->ratings != NULL)
choices = word_res_->GetBlobChoices(result_it.blob_index_);
if (choices != NULL && !choices->empty()) {
choice_it_ = new BLOB_CHOICE_IT(choices);
else {
choice_it_ = NULL;
ChoiceIterator::~ChoiceIterator() {
delete choice_it_;
// Moves to the next choice for the symbol and returns false if there
// are none left.
bool ChoiceIterator::Next() {
if (choice_it_ == NULL)
return false;
return !choice_it_->cycled_list();
// Returns the null terminated UTF-8 encoded text string for the current
// choice. Do NOT use delete [] to free after use.
const char* ChoiceIterator::GetUTF8Text() const {
if (choice_it_ == NULL)
return NULL;
UNICHAR_ID id = choice_it_->data()->unichar_id();
return word_res_->uch_set->id_to_unichar_ext(id);
// Returns the confidence of the current choice.
// The number should be interpreted as a percent probability. (0.0f-100.0f)
float ChoiceIterator::Confidence() const {
if (choice_it_ == NULL)
return 0.0f;
float confidence = 100 + 5 * choice_it_->data()->certainty();
if (confidence < 0.0f) confidence = 0.0f;
if (confidence > 100.0f) confidence = 100.0f;
return confidence;
} // namespace tesseract.