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// rabbit.h - written and placed in the public domain by Jeffrey Walton
// based on public domain code by Martin Boesgaard, Mette Vesterager,
// Thomas Pedersen, Jesper Christiansen and Ove Scavenius.
// The reference materials and source files are available at
// The eSTREAM Project,
/// \file rabbit.h
/// \brief Classes for Rabbit stream cipher
/// \sa <A HREF="">The
/// eSTREAM Project | Rabbit</A> and
/// <A HREF="">Crypto++ Wiki | Rabbit</A>.
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
#include "strciphr.h"
#include "secblock.h"
// The library does not have a way to describe an optional IV. Rabbit takes
// an optional IV so two classes are offered to bridge the gap. One provides
// Rabbit without an IV and the second provides Rabbit with an IV.
/// \brief Rabbit stream cipher information
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
struct RabbitInfo : public FixedKeyLength<16, SimpleKeyingInterface::NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE>
CRYPTOPP_STATIC_CONSTEXPR const char* StaticAlgorithmName() { return "Rabbit"; }
/// \brief Rabbit stream cipher information
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
struct RabbitWithIVInfo : public FixedKeyLength<16, SimpleKeyingInterface::UNIQUE_IV, 8>
CRYPTOPP_STATIC_CONSTEXPR const char* StaticAlgorithmName() { return "RabbitWithIV"; }
/// \brief Rabbit stream cipher implementation
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
class RabbitPolicy : public AdditiveCipherConcretePolicy<word32, 4>, public RabbitInfo
void CipherSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, size_t length);
void OperateKeystream(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input, size_t iterationCount);
bool CanOperateKeystream() const { return true; }
bool CipherIsRandomAccess() const { return false; }
// Master and working states
FixedSizeSecBlock<word32, 8> m_mx, m_mc, m_wx, m_wc;
// Workspace
FixedSizeSecBlock<word32, 12> m_t;
word32 m_mcy, m_wcy; // carry
/// \brief Rabbit stream cipher implementation
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
class RabbitWithIVPolicy : public AdditiveCipherConcretePolicy<word32, 4>, public RabbitWithIVInfo
void CipherSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, size_t length);
void OperateKeystream(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input, size_t iterationCount);
void CipherResynchronize(byte *keystreamBuffer, const byte *iv, size_t length);
bool CanOperateKeystream() const { return true; }
bool CipherIsRandomAccess() const { return false; }
// Master and working states
FixedSizeSecBlock<word32, 8> m_mx, m_mc, m_wx, m_wc;
// Workspace
FixedSizeSecBlock<word32, 12> m_t;
word32 m_mcy, m_wcy; // carry
/// \brief Rabbit stream cipher
/// \details Rabbit is a stream cipher developed by Martin Boesgaard, Mette Vesterager,
/// Thomas Pedersen, Jesper Christiansen and Ove Scavenius. Rabbit is one of the final four
/// Profile 1 (software) ciphers selected for the eSTREAM portfolio.
/// \details Crypto++ provides Rabbit and RabbitWithIV classes. Two classes are necessary
/// because the library lacks the means to describe and manage optional IVs.
/// \sa RabbitWithIV, <A HREF="">The
/// eSTREAM Project | Rabbit</A> and
/// <A HREF="">Crypto++ Wiki | Rabbit</A>.
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
struct Rabbit : public RabbitInfo, public SymmetricCipherDocumentation
typedef SymmetricCipherFinal<ConcretePolicyHolder<RabbitPolicy, AdditiveCipherTemplate<> >, RabbitInfo> Encryption;
typedef Encryption Decryption;
/// \brief Rabbit stream cipher
/// \details Rabbit is a stream cipher developed by Martin Boesgaard, Mette Vesterager,
/// Thomas Pedersen, Jesper Christiansen and Ove Scavenius. Rabbit is one of the final four
/// Profile 1 (software) ciphers selected for the eSTREAM portfolio.
/// \details Crypto++ provides Rabbit and RabbitWithIV classes. Two classes are necessary
/// because the library lacks the means to describe and manage optional IVs.
/// \sa Rabbit, <A HREF="">The
/// eSTREAM Project | Rabbit</A> and
/// <A HREF="">Crypto++ Wiki | Rabbit</A>.
/// \since Crypto++ 8.0
struct RabbitWithIV : public RabbitWithIVInfo, public SymmetricCipherDocumentation
typedef SymmetricCipherFinal<ConcretePolicyHolder<RabbitWithIVPolicy, AdditiveCipherTemplate<> >, RabbitWithIVInfo> Encryption;
typedef Encryption Decryption;