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define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form, Template) {
var Controller = {
index: function () {
// 初始化表格参数配置
extend: {
index_url: Config.api_url ? Config.api_url + '/addon/index' : "addon/downloaded",
add_url: '',
edit_url: '',
del_url: '',
multi_url: ''
var table = $("#table");
// 弹窗自适应宽高
var area = Fast.config.openArea != undefined ? Fast.config.openArea : [$(window).width() > 800 ? '800px' : '95%', $(window).height() > 600 ? '600px' : '95%'];
var switch_local = function () {
if ($(".btn-switch.active").data("type") != "local") {
Layer.confirm(__('Store not available tips'), {
title: __('Warmtips'),
btn: [__('Switch to the local'), __('Try to reload')]
}, function (index) {
$(".panel .nav-tabs").hide();
$(".toolbar > *:not(:first)").hide();
}, function (index) {
return false;
table.on('load-success.bs.table', function (e, json) {
if (json && typeof json.category != 'undefined' && $(".nav-category li").length == 2) {
$.each(json.category, function (i, j) {
$("<li><a href='javascript:;' data-id='" + j.id + "'>" + j.name + "</a></li>").insertBefore($(".nav-category li:last"));
if (typeof json.rows === 'undefined' && typeof json.code != 'undefined') {
table.on('load-error.bs.table', function (e, status, res) {
console.log(e, status, res);
table.on('post-body.bs.table', function (e, settings, json, xhr) {
var parenttable = table.closest('.bootstrap-table');
var d = $(".fixed-table-toolbar", parenttable).find(".search input");
d.off("keyup drop blur");
d.on("keyup", function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
var that = this;
var options = table.bootstrapTable('getOptions');
var queryParams = options.queryParams;
options.pageNumber = 1;
options.queryParams = function (params) {
var params = queryParams(params);
params.search = $(that).val();
return params;
table.bootstrapTable('refresh', {});
Template.helper("Moment", Moment);
Template.helper("addons", Config['addons']);
$("#faupload-addon").data("params", function () {
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
return {
uid: userinfo ? userinfo.id : '',
token: userinfo ? userinfo.token : '',
version: Config.faversion
// 初始化表格
url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url,
pageSize: 50,
queryParams: function (params) {
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
$.extend(params, {
uid: userinfo ? userinfo.id : '',
token: userinfo ? userinfo.token : '',
domain: Config.domain,
version: Config.faversion
return params;
columns: [
{field: 'id', title: 'ID', operate: false, visible: false},
field: 'home',
title: __('Index'),
width: '50px',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.home
{field: 'name', title: __('Name'), operate: false, visible: false, width: '120px'},
field: 'title',
title: __('Title'),
operate: 'LIKE',
align: 'left',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.title
{field: 'intro', title: __('Intro'), operate: 'LIKE', align: 'left', class: 'visible-lg'},
field: 'author',
title: __('Author'),
operate: 'LIKE',
width: '100px',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.author
field: 'price',
title: __('Price'),
operate: 'LIKE',
width: '100px',
align: 'center',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.price
field: 'downloads',
title: __('Downloads'),
operate: 'LIKE',
width: '80px',
align: 'center',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.downloads
field: 'version',
title: __('Version'),
operate: 'LIKE',
width: '80px',
align: 'center',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.version
field: 'toggle',
title: __('Status'),
width: '80px',
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.toggle
field: 'id',
title: __('Operate'),
table: table,
formatter: Controller.api.formatter.operate,
align: 'right'
responseHandler: function (res) {
$.each(res.rows, function (i, j) {
j.addon = typeof Config.addons[j.name] != 'undefined' ? Config.addons[j.name] : null;
return res;
dataType: 'jsonp',
templateView: false,
clickToSelect: false,
search: true,
showColumns: false,
showToggle: false,
showExport: false,
showSearch: false,
commonSearch: true,
searchFormVisible: true,
searchFormTemplate: 'searchformtpl',
// 为表格绑定事件
// 离线安装
require(['upload'], function (Upload) {
Upload.api.upload("#faupload-addon", function (data, ret) {
Config['addons'][data.addon.name] = data.addon;
var addon = data.addon;
var testdata = data.addon.testdata;
operate(data.addon.name, 'enable', false, function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(__('Offline installed tips') + (testdata ? __('Testdata tips') : ""), {
btn: testdata ? [__('Import testdata'), __('Skip testdata')] : [__('OK')],
title: __('Warning'),
yes: function (index) {
if (testdata) {
url: 'addon/testdata',
data: {
name: addon.name,
version: addon.version,
faversion: Config.faversion
}, function (data, ret) {
} else {
icon: 1
return false;
}, function (data, ret) {
if (ret.msg && ret.msg.match(/(login|登录)/g)) {
return Layer.alert(ret.msg, {
title: __('Warning'),
btn: [__('Login now')],
yes: function (index, layero) {
// 检测是否登录
$(document).on("mousedown", "#faupload-addon", function (e) {
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
var uid = userinfo ? userinfo.id : 0;
if (parseInt(uid) === 0) {
return false;
// 查看插件首页
$(document).on("click", ".btn-addonindex", function () {
if ($(this).attr("href") == 'javascript:;') {
Layer.msg(__('Not installed tips'), {icon: 7});
} else if ($(this).closest(".operate").find("a.btn-enable").length > 0) {
Layer.msg(__('Not enabled tips'), {icon: 7});
return false;
// 切换
$(document).on("click", ".btn-switch", function () {
$("form.form-commonsearch input[name='type']").val($(this).data("type"));
var method = $(this).data("type") == 'local' ? 'hideColumn' : 'showColumn';
table.bootstrapTable(method, 'price');
table.bootstrapTable(method, 'downloads');
table.bootstrapTable('refresh', {url: ($(this).data("url") ? $(this).data("url") : $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url), pageNumber: 1});
return false;
// 切换分类
$(document).on("click", ".nav-category li a", function () {
$(".nav-category li").removeClass("active");
$("form.form-commonsearch input[name='category_id']").val($(this).data("id"));
table.bootstrapTable('refresh', {url: $(this).data("url"), pageNumber: 1});
return false;
var tables = [];
$(document).on("click", "#droptables", function () {
if ($(this).prop("checked")) {
url: "addon/get_table_list",
async: false,
data: {name: $(this).data("name")}
}, function (data) {
tables = data.tables;
return false;
var html;
html = tables.length > 0 ? '<div class="alert alert-warning-light droptablestips" style="max-width:480px;max-height:300px;overflow-y: auto;">' + __('The following data tables will be deleted') + '<br>' + tables.join("<br>") + '</div>'
: '<div class="alert alert-warning-light droptablestips">' + __('The Addon did not create a data table') + '</div>';
} else {
// 会员信息
$(document).on("click", ".btn-userinfo", function (e, name, version) {
var that = this;
var area = [$(window).width() > 800 ? '500px' : '95%', $(window).height() > 600 ? '400px' : '95%'];
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
if (!userinfo) {
content: Template("logintpl", {}),
zIndex: 99,
area: area,
title: __('Login FastAdmin'),
resize: false,
btn: [__('Login'), __('Register')],
yes: function (index, layero) {
url: Config.api_url + '/user/login',
type: 'post',
data: {
account: $("#inputAccount", layero).val(),
password: $("#inputPassword", layero).val(),
version: Config.faversion,
}, function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning'), icon: 1});
return false;
}, function (data, ret) {
btn2: function () {
return false;
success: function (layero, index) {
this.checkEnterKey = function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
return false;
$(document).on('keydown', this.checkEnterKey);
$(".layui-layer-btn1", layero).prop("href", "https://www.fastadmin.net/user/register.html").prop("target", "_blank");
end: function () {
$(document).off('keydown', this.checkEnterKey);
} else {
url: Config.api_url + '/user/index',
data: {
uid: userinfo.id,
token: userinfo.token,
version: Config.faversion,
}, function (data) {
content: Template("userinfotpl", userinfo),
area: area,
title: __('Userinfo'),
resize: false,
btn: [__('Logout'), __('Close')],
yes: function () {
url: Config.api_url + '/user/logout',
data: {uid: userinfo.id, token: userinfo.token, version: Config.faversion}
}, function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning'), icon: 0});
}, function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning'), icon: 0});
return false;
}, function (data) {
return false;
$(document).on("click", ".btn-authorization", function () {
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
if (!userinfo) {
return false;
Layer.confirm(__('Are you sure you want to refresh authorization?'), {icon: 3, title: __('Warmtips')}, function () {
url: 'addon/authorization',
data: {
uid: userinfo.id,
token: userinfo.token
}, function (data, ret) {
return false;
var install = function (name, version, force) {
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
var uid = userinfo ? userinfo.id : 0;
var token = userinfo ? userinfo.token : '';
url: 'addon/install',
data: {
name: name,
force: force ? 1 : 0,
uid: uid,
token: token,
version: version,
faversion: Config.faversion
}, function (data, ret) {
Config['addons'][data.addon.name] = ret.data.addon;
operate(data.addon.name, 'enable', false, function () {
Layer.alert(__('Online installed tips') + (data.addon.testdata ? __('Testdata tips') : ""), {
btn: data.addon.testdata ? [__('Import testdata'), __('Skip testdata')] : [__('OK')],
title: __('Warning'),
yes: function (index) {
if (data.addon.testdata) {
url: 'addon/testdata',
data: {
name: name,
uid: uid,
token: token,
version: version,
faversion: Config.faversion
}, function (data, ret) {
} else {
icon: 1
Controller.api.refresh(table, name);
}, function (data, ret) {
var area = Fast.config.openArea != undefined ? Fast.config.openArea : [$(window).width() > 650 ? '650px' : '95%', $(window).height() > 710 ? '710px' : '95%'];
if (ret && ret.code === -2) {
if (uid && uid != ret.data.uid) {
$(".operate[data-name='" + name + "'] .btn-install").trigger("click");
top.Fast.api.open(ret.data.payurl, __('Pay now'), {
area: area,
end: function () {
url: 'addon/isbuy',
data: {
name: name,
force: force ? 1 : 0,
uid: uid,
token: token,
version: version,
faversion: Config.faversion
}, function () {
top.Layer.alert(__('Pay successful tips'), {
btn: [__('Continue installation')],
title: __('Warning'),
icon: 1,
yes: function (index) {
install(name, version);
return false;
}, function () {
return false;
} else if (ret && ret.code === -3) {
content: Template("conflicttpl", ret.data),
shade: 0.8,
area: area,
title: __('Warning'),
btn: [__('Continue install'), __('Cancel')],
end: function () {
yes: function () {
install(name, version, true);
} else {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning'), icon: 0});
return false;
var uninstall = function (name, force, droptables) {
url: 'addon/uninstall',
data: {name: name, force: force ? 1 : 0, droptables: droptables ? 1 : 0}
}, function (data, ret) {
delete Config['addons'][name];
Controller.api.refresh(table, name);
}, function (data, ret) {
if (ret && ret.code === -3) {
content: Template("conflicttpl", ret.data),
shade: 0.8,
area: area,
title: __('Warning'),
btn: [__('Continue uninstall'), __('Cancel')],
end: function () {
yes: function () {
uninstall(name, true, droptables);
} else {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning'), icon: 0});
return false;
var operate = function (name, action, force, success) {
url: 'addon/state',
data: {name: name, action: action, force: force ? 1 : 0}
}, function (data, ret) {
var addon = Config['addons'][name];
addon.state = action === 'enable' ? 1 : 0;
if (typeof success === 'function') {
success(data, ret);
Controller.api.refresh(table, name);
}, function (data, ret) {
if (ret && ret.code === -3) {
content: Template("conflicttpl", ret.data),
shade: 0.8,
area: area,
title: __('Warning'),
btn: [__('Continue operate'), __('Cancel')],
end: function () {
yes: function () {
operate(name, action, true, success);
} else {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning'), icon: 0});
return false;
var upgrade = function (name, version) {
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
var uid = userinfo ? userinfo.id : 0;
var token = userinfo ? userinfo.token : '';
url: 'addon/upgrade',
data: {name: name, uid: uid, token: token, version: version, faversion: Config.faversion}
}, function (data, ret) {
Config['addons'][name] = data.addon;
Controller.api.refresh(table, name);
}, function (data, ret) {
Layer.alert(ret.msg, {title: __('Warning')});
return false;
// 点击安装
$(document).on("click", ".btn-install", function () {
var that = this;
var name = $(this).closest(".operate").data("name");
var version = $(this).data("version");
var userinfo = Controller.api.userinfo.get();
var uid = userinfo ? userinfo.id : 0;
if (parseInt(uid) === 0) {
return Layer.alert(__('Not login tips'), {
title: __('Warning'),
btn: [__('Login now')],
yes: function (index, layero) {
$(".btn-userinfo").trigger("click", name, version);
btn2: function () {
install(name, version, false);
install(name, version, false);
// 点击卸载
$(document).on("click", ".btn-uninstall", function () {
var name = $(this).closest(".operate").data('name');
if (Config['addons'][name].state == 1) {
Layer.alert(__('Please disable the add before trying to uninstall'), {icon: 7});
return false;
Template.helper("__", __);
Layer.confirm(Template("uninstalltpl", {addon: Config['addons'][name]}), {focusBtn: false}, function (index, layero) {
uninstall(name, false, $("input[name='droptables']", layero).prop("checked"));
// 点击配置
$(document).on("click", ".btn-config", function () {
var name = $(this).closest(".operate").data("name");
Fast.api.open("addon/config?name=" + name, __('Setting'));
// 点击启用/禁用
$(document).on("click", ".btn-enable,.btn-disable", function () {
var name = $(this).data("name");
var action = $(this).data("action");
operate(name, action, false);
// 点击升级
$(document).on("click", ".btn-upgrade", function () {
var name = $(this).closest(".operate").data('name');
if (Config['addons'][name].state == 1) {
Layer.alert(__('Please disable the add before trying to upgrade'), {icon: 7});
return false;
var version = $(this).data("version");
Layer.confirm(__('Upgrade tips', Config['addons'][name].title), function (index, layero) {
upgrade(name, version);
$(document).on("click", ".operate .btn-group .dropdown-toggle", function () {
$(this).closest(".btn-group").toggleClass("dropup", $(document).height() - $(this).offset().top <= 200);
$(document).on("click", ".view-screenshots", function () {
var row = Table.api.getrowbyindex(table, parseInt($(this).data("index")));
var data = [];
$.each(row.screenshots, function (i, j) {
"src": j
var json = {
"title": row.title,
"data": data
top.Layer.photos(top.JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({photos: json})));
add: function () {
config: function () {
$(document).on("click", ".nav-group li a[data-toggle='tab']", function () {
if ($(this).attr("href") == "#all") {
$(".tab-pane").addClass("active in");
var type = $(this).attr("href").substring(1);
if (type == 'all') {
$(".table-config tr").show();
} else {
$(".table-config tr").hide();
$(".table-config tr[data-group='" + type + "']").show();
api: {
formatter: {
title: function (value, row, index) {
if ($(".btn-switch.active").data("type") == "local") {
// return value;
var title = '<a class="title" href="' + row.url + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('View addon home page') + '" target="_blank">' + value + '</a>';
if (row.screenshots && row.screenshots.length > 0) {
title += ' <a href="javascript:;" data-index="' + index + '" class="view-screenshots text-success" title="' + __('View addon screenshots') + '" data-toggle="tooltip"><i class="fa fa-image"></i></a>';
return title;
operate: function (value, row, index) {
return Template("operatetpl", {item: row, index: index});
toggle: function (value, row, index) {
if (!row.addon) {
return '';
return '<a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('Click to toggle status') + '" class="btn btn-toggle btn-' + (row.addon.state == 1 ? "disable" : "enable") + '" data-action="' + (row.addon.state == 1 ? "disable" : "enable") + '" data-name="' + row.name + '"><i class="fa ' + (row.addon.state == 0 ? 'fa-toggle-on fa-rotate-180 text-gray' : 'fa-toggle-on text-success') + ' fa-2x"></i></a>';
author: function (value, row, index) {
var url = 'javascript:';
if (typeof row.homepage !== 'undefined') {
url = row.homepage;
} else if (typeof row.qq !== 'undefined' && row.qq) {
url = 'https://wpa.qq.com/msgrd?v=3&uin=' + row.qq + '&site=fastadmin.net&menu=yes';
return '<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank" data-toggle="tooltip" class="text-primary">' + value + '</a>';
price: function (value, row, index) {
if (isNaN(value)) {
return value;
return parseFloat(value) == 0 ? '<span class="text-success">' + __('Free') + '</span>' : '<span class="text-danger">¥' + value + '</span>';
downloads: function (value, row, index) {
return value;
version: function (value, row, index) {
return row.addon && row.addon.version != row.version ? '<a href="' + row.url + '?version=' + row.version + '" target="_blank"><span class="releasetips text-primary" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('New version tips', row.version) + '">' + row.addon.version + '<i></i></span></a>' : row.version;
home: function (value, row, index) {
return row.addon && parseInt(row.addon.state) > 0 ? '<a href="' + row.addon.url + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + __('View addon index page') + '" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-home text-primary"></i></a>' : '<a href="javascript:;"><i class="fa fa-home text-gray"></i></a>';
bindevent: function () {
userinfo: {
get: function () {
var userinfo = localStorage.getItem("fastadmin_userinfo");
return userinfo ? JSON.parse(userinfo) : null;
set: function (data) {
if (data) {
localStorage.setItem("fastadmin_userinfo", JSON.stringify(data));
} else {
refresh: function (table, name) {
Fast.api.ajax({url: require.toUrl('addons.js'), loading: false}, function () {
return false;
}, function () {
return false;
if ($(".operate[data-name='" + name + "']").length > 0) {
var tr = $(".operate[data-name='" + name + "']").closest("tr[data-index]");
var index = tr.data("index");
var row = Table.api.getrowbyindex(table, index);
row.addon = typeof Config['addons'][name] !== 'undefined' ? Config['addons'][name] : undefined;
table.bootstrapTable("updateRow", {index: index, row: row});
} else if ($(".btn-switch.active").data("type") == "local") {
return Controller;